3.02 While all impartial observers and Cambodians alike recognize that past achievements in just a few years have been impressive, the Royal Government is acutely conscious of the tremendous challenges ahead. It will therefore focus on and prioritise strategic goals and actions that will enable significant progress to be made on all fronts. This chapter specifies such selective, overarching and prioritised, pro-poor goals and enumerates the critical or core targets to be met in five years, 2006-2010. 3.03 The leaders of the world meeting at the United Nations in 2000 agreed upon a Millennium Declaration. The Declaration is a commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security and good governance, to create and sustain an enabling environment to achieve poverty reduction. Cambodia fully endorsed the Declaration and signed it because it is fully consistent with the long-term commitment of the Government to improve living standards and reduce poverty, as also with the spirit of SEDP I & II. The Millennium Declaration set 8 priority Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) focusing world attention and commitment to reach specific targets nationally and universally by 2015. 3.04 Based on the MDGs, Cambodia prepared in 2003, through an extensive consultation process among all stakeholders, its own set of 9 (nine) goals called the Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDGs), adding one more goal of immediate relevance and importance to the country. These are:
3.05 The nine overall CMDGs were subdivided into many sub-goals for which clear and measurable targets or indicators were also fixed. Efforts and success in achieving these time-bound (2015) targets would help progress towards attaining the nine overall CMDGs. 3.06 In 2005, RGC conducted a detailed review and analysis of benchmarks, base lines, and progress towards the achievement of all the CMDG targets. It has concluded that while some CMDGs would indeed be achieved or exceeded by 2015, considerable extra efforts would be needed to achieve the others. Table 3.1: Major achievements and critical shortfalls in meeting CMDG targets, 2005
3.07 Achievement of CMDGs, an undoubted priority, would crucially depend on the totality, synergy and outputs of many other developments and circumstances, such as, to mention a few: political and social stability; rule of law; maintenance of public order; critical reforms in public administration and sectors; the steady, sustainable, strong, equitable, balanced and well distributed (region and sector-wise) macro economic growth involving all other sectors, each with its own goals and targets. There can be no significant progress without, for instance:
3.08 In 2002 RGC prepared and announced a comprehensive National Poverty Reduction Strategy, 2003-05, (NPRS) consisting of various goals and targets to be pursued to rapidly reduce poverty levels in the country. All the major goals to reduce poverty at the local level coincided with and corresponded to CMDGs. The NPRS also provided a framework of priority reforms and actions needed for achieving poverty reduction. 3.09 Poverty Reduction in the fastest possible manner is RGC's foremost priority. Details of the current situation are provided at Box 2.1 of Chapter II. Given that 90% of the poor live in rural areas, priority attention is needed through NSDP to speed up development in rural areas. 3.10 Achievement of CMDGs, especially for poverty reduction and human development, is of high priority but, as stressed earlier (para 3.07), NSDP has also to consider all critical aspects of Cambodia's socio-economic needs, priorities, goals and targets, for it is the synergy of all actions that will impact positively on CMDGs as well. This chapter therefore covers the critical and crucial priority goals and targets relating to the different elements articulated in the Rectangular Strategy including vital cross-cutting elements to move the country speedily forward on the road to equitable overall socio-economic development with priority attention to poverty reduction as well as to significant reduction in regional disparities and between the rich and the poor. 311 NSDP is thus a broad framework for providing the road map and guidelines for taking the country where it is at the end of 2005 to where it ought to be in 2010, using available resources in a cost-effective and result-oriented manner. It needs therefore to take full account of the entire scenario of the country in all aspects and prioritise strategic goals and critical macro-targets to be achieved to reach the milestones intended for 2010. Accordingly it ought to consider goals and targets for all priority sectors and activities, leaving it to each government ministry or agency responsible for each sector to further disaggregate, develop, fine tune and expand the overall strategic goals and targets into more detailed sub-goals and measurable targets for implementation and monitoring. 3.12 RGC's Rectangular Strategy captures all the elements of governance and growth in a logical, holistic, consistent, congruent and harmonious framework. Using that as a basis and with inputs from all government ministries and agencies, joined by external development partners, and through a process of intense and collective consultations, a results-matrix was constructed to reflect RGC's strategic priority goals and targets to be attained during 2006-2010. Based on this exercise certain macro and critical items have been selected as shown in Table 3.2 as major national targets to be reached through NSDP implementation. 3.13 To move ahead rapidly towards its overall vision, RGC will focus attention on achieving at national level some high priority, strategic and macro-goals and core targets (indicators) to be reached through NSDP during 2006-2010. These are listed at Table 3.2 below. The key features of the table are:
3.14 It is clear from Table 3.1 that some of the CMDG targets would be reached ahead of 2015 and some others would fall behind. The ground to be covered to reach reduction in overall poverty levels and other 2010 CMDG targets may seem long and difficult but RGC is confident that the goals could be met especially since a significant proportion of those under poverty line are indeed at the margin and could be quickly brought above the line through targeted actions. 3.15 RGC is committed to reaching the overall goals and targets indicated at Table 3.2 and those to be disaggregated and expanded by sector and sub-national levels. Some targets are clearly quite ambitious but RGC is confident that they are achievable if proper investment and human development resources are available. For success, RGC would vigorously pursue all the prioritised strategies and focused actions through the framework of the Rectangular Strategy as outlined in the next chapter (IV).
Table 3.2 : NSDP's Macro-Goals and Critical Indicators (Targets)1 |
Major Goals: Targets/Indicators |
2005 |
2010 |
CMDG- 2015 |
Eradicate - Poverty & Hunger (*) |
1* |
Poverty levels % of population -- 2004 |
34.7 |
25 |
19.5 |
2* |
Poverty levels % rural population -- 2004 |
39.2 |
3* |
People below food poverty line % -- 2004 |
19.7 |
13 |
10 |
Enhance Agricultural Production and Productivity |
4 |
Paddy yield per hectare (tons) |
1.97 |
2.4 |
5 |
Irrigated area – including supplemental irrign., (% of rice area) |
20 |
25 |
6 |
Land Reforms: Land Titles to farmers -- % of Total agri. land |
12 |
24 |
Improvements in Health (*) |
7* |
Infant Mortality Rate per 1,000 live births |
66 |
60 |
50 |
8* |
> 5 Mortality Rate per 1,000 live births |
82 |
75 |
65 |
9* |
Maternal Mortality per 100,000 live births |
N/A |
243 |
140 |
10* |
Births attended by skilled health personnel -- % |
N/A |
70 |
80 |
11* |
HIV/AIDS prevalence, % of adults 15-49 |
1.9 |
1.9 |
1.8 |
12* |
Malaria Cases - fatality % |
0.36 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
13* |
TB smear positive cases, per 100,000 |
N/A |
214 |
135 |
14* |
Married women using modern birth spacing methods (%) |
20.1 |
44 |
60 |
15 |
% of health facilities providing RH services |
33 |
45 |
70 |
Improvements in Education (*) |
16* |
Net Enrolment: Primary Schools -- Total; Boys; Girls --% |
91.9; 93.0; 90.7 |
100 |
100 |
17* |
Net Enrolment: Lower Sec. Schools --Total; Boys; Girls -- % |
26.1; 27.1; 24.8 |
75 |
100 |
18* |
Survival rate % : 1-6: |
53.1 |
100 |
100 |
19* |
Survival rate % : 1-9: |
30.18 |
76 |
100 |
20* |
6-14 years out of school (%) |
18.7 |
11 |
0 |
Rural Development |
21 |
Rural Roads rehabilitated – Kms (out of total 28,000) |
22,700 |
25,000 |
28,000 |
22* |
Safe Drinking water access -- % rural population |
41.6 |
45 |
50 |
23* |
Sanitation access -- % rural population |
16.4 |
25 |
30 |
Environmental Sustainability (*) |
24* |
Forest Cover -- % of total area |
60 |
58 |
60 |
25* |
Fuel Wood dependency: Households -- % |
83.9 |
61 |
52 |
26* |
Access to safe water source -- % of urban population |
75.8 |
85 |
80 |
27* |
Access to improved sanitation -- % or urban population |
55 |
67 |
74 |
Gender Equity (*)2 |
28* |
Mainstream gender in all spheres |
To be developed |
29* |
Female share of wage employment -- agriculture, industry, services (%) |
52.5; 53.5; 27.0 |
50; 50; 37 |
50; 50; 50 |
30* |
Level of awareness that violence against women is a crime (%) |
4.5 |
25 |
100 |
Reforms |
31 |
Accelerate Governance Reforms |
To be developed |
Sustain high Macro-Economic Growth (*) |
32 |
Annual GDP Growth at constant prices - % |
7.0 |
6.0 |
33 |
Per Capita GDP at constant prices (000 Riels) |
1,400 |
2,243 |
34 |
Rate of Inflation % |
6.2 |
3.0 |
Improve Budget Performance |
35 |
Total Government budget revenues - % of GDP |
11.80 |
13.80 |
36 |
Total Government budget expenditure -- % of GDP |
14.9 |
16.5 |
Accelerate Industrial Growth & Employment |
37 |
Annual Growth in manufacturing - constant prices (%) |
10.2 |
7.2 |
38* |
Working children aged 5-17 years -- % |
22.3 |
10.6 |
8 |
Tourism |
39 |
Annual Tourist arrivals nos -- 000s |
1,300 |
3,120 |
De-mining, Victim Assistance (*) |
40* |
Casualties (deaths and injuries) nos. |
797 |
200 |
0 |
41* |
Area affected cleared of mines and UXOs -- % |
50.3 |
77 |
100 |
Infrastructure |
42 |
Length of paved roads (primary & secondary) out of 11,310- kms |
2,100 |
4,100 |
Energy |
43 |
Per capita use of electricity - Kwh |
54 |
89 |
See explanatory information at paragraph 3.13. |