CHAPTER IV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.02 With a clear vision, RGC is committed to the following basic principles for taking the country forward:
4.03 This chapter presents major strategies and actions to implement programmes and efforts to reach the overall goals outlined in Chapter III and to overcome shortcomings listed at the beginning of Chapter II. The chapter highlights key and major strategies developed through extensive consultations. This chapter provides only a macro overview of strategies and critical actions. It is intended to be a broad guide, not detailed listing of all work being done or to be done by ministries and agencies. More and clearer details could be found in sectoral plans already developed or to be developed soon. It should be noted that many goals to be achieved are essentially quantitative. Qualitative aspects though critical cannot be easily measured but over time could be experienced and would manifest themselves through improvements in various ways. 4.04 Poverty: Given that 90% of all the poor live in rural areas, special attention and targeted inputs and investments are needed in rural areas, especially those not covered by the 1993 survey (and poorer pockets of other areas), to rapidly bring down poverty levels and to reach overall CMDG targets for 2010 and 2015. Since a greater share of the poor are now closer to the poverty line, these targets are not beyond reach. Such special attention will include more and better health care, educational facilities, improved incomes through rural activities (farm and non-farm), improved rural infrastructure and so on. More funds should devolve to these areas through the Commune and Sangkat development fund and other measures. Achievement of progress to reduce poverty, a crosscutting issue, depends on the totality of pro-poor policies and efforts in all other sectors. Accordingly, RGC will ensure that:
4.05 With established peace, social order and robust economic growth, Cambodia is at a critical threshold for faster and more equitable growth. The next ten years represent a decade of opportunity for steering the country forward to realise ambitious CMDGs and uplift the poor and vulnerable. RGC is committed to seize this opportunity to consolidate and build on past gains to make a positive impact during the five years of NSDP, 2006-2010. The time has arrived to divert attention from high level studies and surveys to concrete and tangible actions to accelerate progress in the lives of Cambodian people. It is time that significant gains are achieved at the grass roots level where it matters most to the ordinary citizen and for speedy reduction of poverty. Accordingly, RGC is committed to pursue strategies and actions that will:
4.06 These factors are central to and will influence and govern all the strategies outlined in this chapter. All of them in one way or the other impact on the achievement of goals and targets listed at Chapter III (Table 3.2). These factors will be taken into account in preparing new sectoral strategies or plans or in reviewing ongoing ones and activities. TWGs could play a useful role in the process. 4.07 The Rectangular Strategy (RS) "for growth, employment, equity and efficiency", provides a clear and focused framework to move the country forward on the path to fast socio-economic development. Goals and targets were listed in Table 3.2 of Chapter III on the basis of priorities for alleviation of poverty and for enhancing economic growth. Implementation of various strategies and actions under NSDP will be organised within the RS framework. These are discussed below along flow of Rectangular Strategy, starting with Governance. For each side of each rectangle as well as other crosscutting and generic subjects not specifically included in the rectangles, the proposed key strategies and anticipated actions for the next five years, 2006-2010, are presented and considered. 4.08 The Rectangular Strategy contains at its core Good Governance which will be promoted and pursued in an encircling Environment for its successful implementation, for the purpose of achieving speedy socio-economic progress in various priority areas listed under four other "growth" rectangles. There are therefore six (6) aspects of the strategy. The rest of this chapter is organised along the flow of RS. Governance 4.09 Good governance is the most important pre-condition for achieving sustainable socio-economic development with equity, equal opportunity and social justice. It needs wide participation, sharing of information, openness and transparency, accountability, equality, inclusiveness and strict rule of law. Accordingly, Governance covers four reform areas, viz., (a) fighting corruption, (b) legal and judicial reforms, (c) public administration reform including decentralization and deconcentration, and (d) reform of the armed forces, especially demobilization. 4.10 RGC's Governance Action Plan (GAP I) approved in 2001, to promote multi- and cross-sectoral governance reforms is the main framework for various actions on this front. On the basis of experience gained, GAP II, 2005-2008 is being finalised. 4.11 Fighting Corruption: Corruption is debilitating and inimical to orderly growth. It makes the playing field for economic factors and actors unpredictable and uneven and deters much needed domestic and foreign investment. It increases costs, renders Cambodia less competitive and makes the country lose important opportunities for growth. A variety of actions, in many areas including reforms and behavioural changes, are needed to combat corruption and instil a "culture of service" whereby public administration acts truly as an instrument of efficient, effective, speedy and impartial service to all Cambodians. The priority goals are:
4.12 The strategy for drastic reduction and eventual elimination of corruption will follow a three-pronged approach -- enforcement, prevention and public support/public education. RGC is determined to take concrete actions that strike at the root causes of corruption by ensuring predictability, enhanced transparency and clear accountability in all its actions. Various proposed priority actions include:
4.13 Legal and Judicial Reforms: With considerable progress so far, it is evident that the RGC is committed to accelerate legal and judicial reforms which are clearly considered as crucial elements in its Political Platform. Some essential regulations have been prepared and adopted to underpin the socio-economic development process through a trusted and respected (in-country and internationally) judiciary. In the efforts to build this confidence, the RGC has endorsed a vision and the Legal and Judicial Reform Strategy (June 2003) including seven strategic objectives. The Plan of Action for implementing that strategy (29 April 2005) include major strategies and actions:
4.14 Public Administration Reform: The reform of the Administration is a core governance strategy. The goal is to make Administration a potent instrument of public policy and make it more effective, efficient, neutral, transparent and responsive, to serve people better. With the foundations in place, the task ahead is to deepen and broaden reform processes to target poverty reduction while being sustainable. Building on achievements to date, the NPAR seeks to develop the capacity of the Administration to serve people better where and when needed. The following highlight the scope of the reform underway:
4.15 Priority actions envisaged include:
4.16 Decentralization and Deconcentration (D & D): Crucial to strengthening of democracy at the grass roots level is participatory local development in improving and delivering as many public services as are possible at the commune level. A key priority is building local management capacity and providing reasonable level of financial resources. RGC has recently introduced a pilot scheme for a "one window" service delivery in two districts, to make available some relevant administrative services to people and the private sector. 4.17 Grass root level development can best proceed by identification and prioritisation of local needs at the local level. As such, based on the overall goals outlined in the NSDP (Chapter III), each commune, district and province would prioritise their own needs and try to achieve them using increasing funds made available to them through block grants and other forms such as tax sharing and own revenues generated through local level taxes. 4.18 Following the major step taken by developing an overall framework for D&D in early 2005, the main strategies and actions proposed are:
4.19 Armed Forces Reform and Demobilization: The White Paper of National Defence articulates policies and programmes to be pursued, including distribution of social concession lands to demobilized landless soldiers who need land for their residence and/or for family farming in conformity with the Sub-decree on Social Land Concessions. Equally, efforts will continue to reform, build, train and strengthen the national police to become a truly professional force, equipped with modern technology, and capable of discharging its responsibilities for maintaining internal security, social order and harmony, and to protect people's lives and property. In performing its duties the police force will always act impartially and efficiently with due respect for human dignity and rights. Environment for the Implementation of the Rectangular Strategy 4.20 Four aspects of this enveloping circle are: Peace, political stability and social order; Integration of Cambodia into the region and the world; Partnership in development; and, Favourable macro-economic and financial management. In addition, some critical crosscutting aspects are also considered as part of the overall environment for progress. 4.21 Peace, political stability and social order: constitute the fundamental basis on which any sustainable progress can take place. It is clear that the post-conflict reconciliation, democracy, social order and reduction in crime achieved in the past through dialogue and mutual adjustments are precious and need to be vigilantly safeguarded and enhanced. These are essential not only for progress of Cambodia but also to the fair image of the country all over the world. No efforts will be spared to ensure that they continue to be maintained in a dynamic and growing manner. 4.22 A major aspect of maintaining political stability and harmony is conduct of five-yearly general elections for various bodies of the State, viz., Senate (due in 2006), National Assembly (due in 2008), and Commune Councils (due in 2007). Since government budget alone cannot meet the heavy expenditure on these elections, external support will be needed as before. 4.23 Integration of Cambodia into the region and the world: By taking active partnership role in all aspects of ASEAN, attending and contributing to various region level initiatives and conferences, and by joining WTO (2004), Cambodia is well on the way to achieving this goal. Much more however has to happen to deepen, and benefit from, the integration process. The goal is to ensure that efforts for integration of the Cambodian economy into the regional and global economy pay due attention to benefiting the poor. In this regard, RGC will:
4.24 Partnership in development: There are three (3) basic aspects of partnership between RGC and other stakeholders, viz., (i) with civil society, (ii) with the private sector business and investor community, and (iii) with external development partners. The goal is to strengthen partnerships with all the stakeholders to improve effective and coordinated use of resources in order to achieve equitable socio-economic development. 4.25 Ongoing efforts will be continued and strengthened to involve and associate all sections of the civil society in all appropriate aspects of RGC's planning and decision-making processes, and to make civil society an effective partner in the development efforts. Already, many NGOs, both national and international, are involved in socio-economic development as well as in promotion of democracy and human rights. A Law on Non-Government Organizations will be formulated soon with broad consultation with all relevant institutions and organizations. 4.26 The crucial role of the private sector as the locomotive and driving force for investments and economic growth cannot be over-emphasised. Attaching a high priority to facilitate private sector operations, several mechanisms have been put in place and efforts will continue to strengthen and deepen harmonious relations with the private sector, based on strict adherence to laws and regulations and focused on development priorities. 4.27 Relations with external development partners: RGC gratefully acknowledges that generous levels of financial and technical assistance received from EDPs since 1993 have in a large measure helped Cambodia's impressive progress. It is clear that as an LDC the country will continue to need such support for quite a length of time in the future as it moves forward towards its long-term vision. Various forms of cooperation with EDPs have evolved in the past, including annual aid-mobilization meetings (now CG meetings), sector level consultations, in-country periodic consultations and more recently, the formation of government-EDP joint technical working groups (TWGs) for various thematic and sectoral areas and an overarching Government-Donor Coordination Committee, which meets once every quarter to assess progress and guide future directions. All these mechanisms will continue to be strengthened to achieve effective and regular consultations and partnership through increasing RGC ownership and leadership. Meeting quarterly on a regular basis, or as often as necessary, TWGs will have an important role in assisting RGC to develop new sectoral plans, review ongoing ones, harmonise and coordinate external assistance to programmes and projects as well as to monitor their implementation and progress. 4.28 It is noted that a great deal of past resources spent directly by external development partners have been devoted to technical assistance and conducting various high level studies and surveys. While these have no doubt had their use, it is time now to ensure that resources are redirected to make available "additional funds" for concrete and tangible actions to accelerate progress in the lives of Cambodian people. 4.29 On a global level, through OECD/DAC initiatives, international compacts have been proclaimed through high level Rome (2003) and Paris (2005) declarations emphasizing that for aid-effectiveness it is essential to encourage and abide by the full ownership and leadership of the recipient countries in regard to formulation and implementation of development efforts. Furthermore, it has been agreed that EDPs would align their development assistance policies, priorities and programmes as well as harmonize their procedures to those of the host countries. Cambodia is one of the pilot countries for these efforts. Through Monterray Declaration of 2002 it was also agreed that developed countries would increase development assistance significantly. 4.30 A Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management is now being finalised to re-confirm and clarify RGC's policies and procedures, which would govern and guide both its relations with external development partners and assign roles and responsibilities within the government. This would further streamline processes to improve mutual cooperation between RGC and EDPs. Through various cooperation mechanisms outlined in that document, EDPs would be encouraged to move increasingly away from stand alone as well as TA projects and to start providing support through Sector-Wide Approaches, aiming eventually to providing largest proportion of resources through budget support as the preferred mode, conditioned on agreed upon reforms and/or sectoral progress. 4.31 Favourable macro-economic and financial environment: The goal is to ensure macro-economic progress and financial environment to achieve more diverse and pro-poor economic growth. Already, sustained, robust and spatially and sectorally well-spread macro-economic growth and prudent financial management form the centrepiece of all socio-economic programmes. RGC has had success in macro-economic management in the past and was able to withstand both external shocks like those caused by East Asia crisis of 1997 as well as internal political uncertainties from time to time, in 1997 and during 2003-2004. Based on this experience RGC is confident that, with vigilance and timely actions, it would be able to successfully steer the situation in the future. The strategies and actions during NSDP are to:
4.32 A Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFM) is already in place and being implemented. A rolling (moving ahead one year, every year) five-year Medium-Term Fiscal and Expenditure Framework (MTF/EF) seeks to project income and expenditure and is followed in implementation. For ensuring increasing allocations and timely disbursements to priority pro-poor sectors, mechanisms will be set in place through which predictable, assured and increasing annual budgetary amounts are made available to Agriculture, Rural Development, Health and Education. 4.33 Led by the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and the MEF, the Financial Sector plays a crucial role in macro-economic stability and is vital for the pace and direction of economic growth. A well-functioning financial sector can break down the limitations of self-financing, and mobilise idle financial resources for productive investment. To link up saving, investment and economic growth, the financial sector needs to go hand in hand with private sector development and governance reforms, forming three pillars to support RGC's vision for generating and sustaining growth, which in turn is a major means to reduce poverty. The Financial Sector Blueprint (FSB), 2001-2010, adopted in 2001, is the guiding tool for policies and programmes in this sector and envisages the development of a sound, market-based financial system by 2010, to enhance resource mobilisation for sustainable economic growth. FSB, now under implementation, focuses comprehensively on various elements and aspects of the finance sector such as:
Table 4.1: Key
Macroeconomic Forecasts
4.34 As the figures in Table 4.1 show, the macroeconomic outlook for the next few years seems stable and promising. The mainly export-oriented garment industry, now the driving force in the economy, is likely to remain robust for some more years, but its rate of growth may decline, although the end of the quota system in early 2005 has not had any significant impact on the rate of increase. Tourism has also contributed robustly to the economy and is expected to continue to do so, as will the trend of high increase in Construction. But there is need to broaden and deepen the base, especially by promoting agricultural growth that will also at once help reduce poverty. Accelerating much needed reforms in governance would help in attracting more investments, both domestically and from outside. 4.35 Some important factors that might impinge adversely on the economy are: continuing high oil prices; threats of terrorism any where in the world that would disturb international political climate and destabilize predictable economic environment; decrease in flow of ODA due to extraneous causes; unexpected outbreak of epidemics such as those that may arise from spread of "avian flu"; and, severe changes in weather affecting agricultural production. 4.36 With all the reforms already on way as well as those being undertaken and the further steps planned under the NSDP, RGC is confident that the forecasts shown above could materialize. Some portion of the national budget revenues in the past has come from 'budgetary' or 'program' support mainly from multi-lateral financial institutions, provided against specific reform and other actions. (In 2005, this is estimated at about CR 120 billion or US$ 29 million representing 0.5% of GDP and 5% of total domestic budget revenue). RGC expects that such support would continue during the NSDP as well. 4.37 Religious and cultural issues: The Royal Government's emblem accords highest status to "Nation, Religion and King". Religious beliefs, faith, family values and the rich and vibrant culture which has sustained them, during past millennia, have kept the social fabric in tact and growing in strength, adjusting to changing times and influences. They are the bedrock for building, strengthening, and maintaining the very vital "social capital" that no amount of economic development can alone create or sustain. They are thus an overriding issue cutting across all aspects of Cambodian life everywhere. Though these suffered a severe setback and rupture during the genocidal regime in 1975-79, they have revived robustly since then. RGC accords high priority to preserving and enhancing the country's rich and unique cultural heritage both to starch and strengthen the social fabric and also to attract "cultural tourists" to observe and admire Cambodia's past and present culture. RGC will provide adequate funds for this purpose. Enhancement of Agricultural Sector 4.38 The four sides of this rectangle are: improving and diversifying agricultural sector (including nutrition and rural development); land reform and mine clearance; fisheries reform, and, forestry reform. 4.39 Improving and diversifying agricultural sector: This sector embraces crops -- predominantly rice --, plantations, livestock and poultry. It is well recognized that, with immense but as yet unrealised potential both for boosting GDP and for uplifting the poor especially in the rural areas, quickest and high returns are possible at fairly low costs, especially in crops and more particularly in rice production and by diversification into cash and other crops. With women constituting the majority of the labour force, improvements in this sector would benefit women directly. The priority goals in this sector are enhancement of: food security, productivity and diversification; and, market access for agricultural products. Table 4.2: Targets set for 2010 for the Agriculture Sector
4.40 A comprehensive Strategy for the Agricultural Sector as a whole is still to be developed. Through close cooperation among all concerned ministries and agencies, an "Agriculture and Water Resources Strategy" will be developed during 2006, which will take into account all ongoing sub-sectoral plans in this sector and include, inter alia, analysis of, solutions to, and strategies for:
4.41 In the meantime, till a full-fledged Agricultural Strategy is in place, RGC will pursue action for enhancement on the following fronts:
4.42 Given the low productivity in all crops due in part to poor soil conditions, the most important challenges in regard to crop production are:
4.43 The priority strategies in the next five years, 2006-2010, would be:
4.44 Livestock: Much of Cambodia's seasonal agriculture depends on animals for draught power for ploughing and other operations. Animals and poultry are also major sources of income and protein for rural communities. The challenge is to improve the quality and welfare of livestock by introducing better and quick growing species, and by extending enhanced animal husbandry and veterinary services to be within easy reach of the poor. NSDP will pursue various strategies in this regard, also to be spelt out in full detail in the proposed Agricultural Strategy. 4.45 Fisheries: Given the crucial role of fish in the lives of millions of Cambodians in terms of food, nutrition, income and livelihoods, the goal is to ensure sustainable access to fisheries resources for the poor. The priorities are:
4.46 Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) are important crosscutting issues and significant improvements in Food Security and Nutrition are crucial to reduce the persistent high levels of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies among women and children. The key goal is to ensure that "poor and food-insecure Cambodians, by 2010, have substantially improved physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food at all times to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life". Achieving this goal requires concerted efforts in various sectors outlined in this NSDP, with focus on the following elements especially with regard to the poor and food insecure:
4.47 Forestry reform: Every effort will be made to maintain total forest coverage at 60% of land area and to continue reforestation, besides suspending issue of any concessions and keeping a strict watch over existing concessionaires to ensure that they submit Strategic Forest Management Plan (SFMP) along with the Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and, after approval, continue to adhere to them. The challenge is to spell out a clear strategy to address management of concessions, annual coupes, community forests, and protected areas in a sustainable manner based on the following three pillars:
4.48 In order to achieve the above goals in the forestry sector, RGC is committed to implement a National Forestry Programme with the following priorities:
4.49 Environment and Conservation: The goals in preservation, conservation and sustainable use of all natural resources of the country, including bio-diversity, are not only to conserve the unique natural heritages but also to enhance environmental sustainability and to contribute to sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction and improvements in the lives of rural communities. Furthermore, natural areas are and would be actively promoted as attractive low-impact 'eco-tourist destinations' bringing in further benefits to the local communities. The environmental and social impact assessment, environmental education and awareness play an important role in achieving these objectives. Cambodia's aquatic resources, especially the Tonle Sap Great Lake and the Mekong River, their tributaries, and coastal areas are undergoing pressure from land development. The problem is also aggravated by Cambodia being at the lower end of the Mekong river basin, with several countries upstream. New Laws and National Policies will facilitate improved water resources management and sanitation. Successful implementation of the National Program of Action to Climate Change will depend on adequate resources. 4.50 Land Reforms: Land and water are two fundamental natural resources that serve as the basis for socio-economic development and poverty reduction, especially in rural areas. The goals are: land tenure and land market development and pro-poor land access. The 2001 Land law will continue to be implemented to ensure an equitable, proper and efficient system of land management, distribution, land tenure security, eradication of illegal settlements and land grabbing, and the control of ownership concentration for speculative purpose. The priority is to issue clear, incontestable, legal land ownership titles to provide security of tenure to those in actual use of the land they occupy. The challenges are to control and curb further land concentration in few hands, including review of already granted large concessions exceeding limits under the 2001 land law, where land is still lying fallow and unproductive. Some priority actions envisaged are:
4.51 De-mining operations are not only humanitarian and security related but have significant social and economic implications, particularly on land distribution and the security of poor farming households in remote areas. They open up avenues for rural development. The goal to is to steadily continue de-mining and UXO de-fusing or destruction and carry on public awareness campaigns to reduce the number of human casualties to less than 200 by 2010 from 797 in 2005, and to increase the area rendered mine free to 45,000 ha by 2010 from 32,974 ha in 2005. 4.52 Rural Development is an important cross-sectoral issue spanning from democracy at the grassroots to decentralization and to creation and improvement of rural infrastructure, health and education services to the rural people. It is thus an important element both in itself and as a vital ingredient for enhancement of agriculture and poverty reduction. This is also a priority activity for ensuring budget allocations and disbursement. 4.53 Provision and enhancement of rural infrastructure, particularly rural transportation, water supply and sanitation, improving access to rural finance and credit schemes, promotion of sustainable natural resource management, and stimulation of rural community development through decentralization and deconcentration are some of the main work undertaken as part of rural development. Support to commune councils will continue to be provided to undertake rural infrastructure projects such as road rehabilitation and construction including small bridges and culverts, water supply wells, sanitation structures, schools, water gates, and small scale irrigation systems. These efforts along with those planned for agricultural development would provide employment and income earning opportunities in rural areas and thus also stem internal migration to urban centres. Table 4.3: 2010 Targets for Rural Development
4.54 The new Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP) mechanism will be used to pay priority attention to underserved rural areas. Priority actions for the future include (in addition to those covered under D & D):
Rehabilitation and Construction of Physical Infrastructure 4.55 This RS growth rectangle covers: (a) further construction of transport infrastructure; (b) management of water resources and irrigation; (c) development of energy sector and electricity network; and (d) development of information and communications technology. 4.56 Transport Infrastructure: Transportation networks and facilities that connect all corners of the country are the arteries that transform the country into an integrated economy and are vitally critical for distributed economic growth. By facilitating trade, movement of goods and services, by fostering integration of domestic markets as well as enabling integration with the region and the world, they play a pivotal role in contributing to poverty reduction. They consist of roads, ports, inland waterways and ports, railways and airports. The objective is to create a convenient, comprehensive, safe, effective, cost-effective transport network that facilitates trade, promotes tourism and rural development and serves the needs of national defence. 4.57 Infrastructure and other related development efforts will focus on promoting integrated regional development of areas:
4.58 Much has been done to rehabilitate all types of roads, and importance accorded to roads, which form part of the ASEAN road network. The priorities for the NSDP period are:
4.59 Apart from rural roads already discussed, and in addition to repair and rehabilitation of as many roads as possible, the quantitative target to be achieved during NSDP, 2006-2010 is to upgrade another 2,000 km of primary and secondary roads, taking the total of such upgraded roads to 4,100 km. 4.60 Ports: Almost all bulk imports and exports of the country are handled by two ports: the Sihanoukville deep sea port and Phnom Penh inland river port, the latter capable of receiving ships of only limited tonnage capacity. To handle increased volumes, Sihanoukville is being upgraded and a second stage container terminal will be taken up for construction. 4.61 Railways: The two main lines in the system both connecting Phnom Penh, one going south to Sihanoukville and the other north going to the Thailand border, are in dire need of rehabilitation and upgradation and all the rolling stock likewise need complete overhaul. A priority is to rehabilitate the southern line to handle higher volumes of cargo traffic from the port at competitive freight rates compared to road transport. 4.62 Inland waterways: The immediate priority is to rehabilitate dredgers to carry out dredging on all major waterways, particularly Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers, to facilitate river transport. 4.63 Civil Aviation services are critical for the development of tourism, a vital sector generating significant multiplier effects in the economy. The Phnom Penh and Kang Keng International airport will be further improved under the existing BOT agreement. Siem Reap international airport is also due for upgradation. Some domestic airports need to be brought to higher standards to allow for higher traffic to remote areas with high tourism potential. RGC will explore various avenues for financing these endeavours, particularly through BOT arrangements involving the private sector. 4.64 Management of Water Resources and Irrigation: Water resources support the needs of many sectors of the economy. The greatest pressure on the water resource accentuated by growing economic development activities occurs during the dry season or extended period of drought, when the risk of pollution is the highest; on the other hand, excessive water during rainy season causes floods leading to loss of lives and livelihoods and downward pressure on national GDP. The objective is to mitigate the effects caused by above mentioned natural phenomena by adopting an integrated approach to water resources management and development. The emphasis is on: (a) ensuring that water in sufficient quantities, and of appropriate quality, is available to meet year-round demands of all sectors while sustaining aquatic ecosystems; (b) managing flood flows and enhance the capacities of communities to cope; (c) controlling water for agricultural purposes, by means of storage, drainage or irrigation as appropriate; and (d) keeping water resources free of contaminants to support the ecological system particularly fisheries. The priorities for the next five years are:
4.65 Energy sector and Electricity: One of the most important aspects of the economic policy is the further development of the energy sector to effectively respond to the increasing needs for electricity. The long-term vision is to ensure energy security for the country. A domestic power generation, transmission and distribution system will be put in place to meet the needs of all urban and rural communities and a growing economy. A 15-year Cambodia Energy Strategy 2006-2020 is under preparation. It is proposed to achieve energy independence through power trade and power exchange with neighbouring countries and integration with the region. Generating and making available low cost electricity would at once reduce costs of production in the manufacturing sector and costs of operation in all other sectors thereby attracting investments and boosting economic development. RGC places a high emphasis on involving private sector to lead the investment process in this sector. 4.66 The medium term strategy is to:
4.67 Oil and Gas: The high prospects of exploiting offshore oil and gas resources in the country would provide a major boost to the economy. The challenge is to plan from now on to use this energy resource, and the substantial revenues it would generate, in an optimal manner to benefit the country and its citizens in the immediate and long term. RGC will soon commence conducting necessary studies to adopt good lessons learnt, and avoid pitfalls experienced, by other oil producing countries. A diverse range of productive on-shore uses exists for the associated gas from offshore oilfields (which is otherwise flared at collection platforms), such as fertiliser production, energy generation, energy-source for various kinds of industrial units, and the like. RGC will conduct various studies and endeavour to put in place necessary infrastructure so that the valuable oil and gas resources (including associated gas) are advantageously utilised to the maximum extent possible. 4.68 Information and Communication Technology: The long-term development vision is to develop a cost-efficient and world-class post and telecommunications system that has a nation-wide coverage. The realization of this vision would require high levels of investment to build the backbone infrastructure of the telecommunications systems, especially high-speed optical fibre cables for the development of rural telecommunications systems. The immediate challenge is to bring down the cost of telecommunications to help businesses and people at large. Telecommunications and Information Technology (IT) should be made to work for the betterment of the poor. Priorities during NSDP, 2006-2010 are:
4.69 Emphasis will continue on promoting extensive use of Information Technology in all aspects of governance and government to improve efficiency and effectiveness in maintenance of records, data bases and websites which will provide easy access to public at large on all matters of their concern. Each ministry or agency will host its own website and keep it fully updated every six months or more often as needed. Such websites will contain all data and information pertaining to the ministry or agency. Private Sector Development and Employment Generation 4.70 The four pillars of this rectangle are: (a) strengthening the private sector and attracting investments; (b) promotion of SMEs; (c) job creation and better working conditions; and (d) social safety net for workers. 4.71 Private sector strengthening: The private sector is considered the prime-mover of economic growth, while the government plays its role as the strategist, guide and manager of the development process, and the facilitator in creating a wholesome climate conducive to private investment and enterprise. To address critical issues impeding private sector development in Cambodia, a "Twelve Point Plan" has been adopted containing government commitments to improve the investment climate and trade facilitation. 4.72 RGC will continue to foster, maintain and enhance this favourable climate by:
4.73 To enhance export-led, pro-poor growth through diversification, RGC will continue to encourage, facilitate and provide support to private sector investment in some specific, priority sectors:
4.74 Trade: Linking production to consumption or producers to consumers, trade is a powerful and important catalyst for socio-economic development. Promotion of trade for Cambodian products has been among top priorities. If market outlets are available, investments would flow to encourage and enhance production of goods and services using the country's natural advantages as has happened in the garment industry, and as could be achieved in agriculture, agro-processing, handicraft and other areas. 4.75 Since 2001, a trade policy framework for promoting local and external trade is in place as a means to promote growth and contribute to poverty reduction. Various initiatives and reform measures taken to implement it culminated in dynamic export performance and integration of the country in numerous regional bodies and accession to WTO in 2004. RGC has also successfully negotiated free and/or favourable trade agreements with many countries. However, there are still many bottlenecks similar to those in private investment in industries which inhibit growth in this sector. A Sector Wide Approach Programme for the Trade sector is under preparation. The immediate challenges are to ensure that favourable trade agreements already reached are taken advantage of by private trade to send Cambodian products to market overseas so that exports become diversified and broaden away from dependency on garment industry alone. 4.76 Various reforms that RGC will pursue in governance, legal and judicial sector and in public administration, as well as rehabilitation of basic infrastructure, would no doubt contribute to a better climate for Trade and Investment by private sector. In addition to addressing all the constraints in industrial, manufacturing and processing as well as trade, RGC will:
4.77 Tourism: Growing at a steady and exponential rate, this sector is second only to the garment industry in boosting economic growth and in providing employment to a large number of Cambodians in numerous related fields -- hospitality, transport and others. The policies for tourism are based on three basic principles: (a) the development of tourism should be sustainable, anchored in the rich cultural heritage, history, and the exquisite nature of Cambodia's terrain, but more importantly, development that contributes to poverty reduction; (b) active and creative promotion of tourism to make Cambodia a preferred "culture and nature" tourist destination in the region and the rest of the world; and (c) apart from increased tourist arrivals, increase the number of days tourists stay, and the amount they spend, in the country and diversify their destinations. In addition, conscious efforts will be made to ensure that appropriate benefits of tourism go to people living in the vicinity of tourist destinations, both to reduce poverty and improve their livelihoods. Important initiatives will continue to be:
4.78 RGC’s continued improvement of physical infrastructure (roads, airports, ports) as well as providing a climate of peace and law and order will facilitate more tourist arrivals. Rising steadily at a robust level annual tourist arrivals are expected to reach about 3 million by 2010, increasing tourism related revenues to about US$ 1,500 million and employment to 400,000 people. For this purpose several promotional measures would be pursued such as:
4.79 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are usually grass root based and benefit rural communities in processing and adding value to products, as well as creating employment. They also provide an important link in Trade, as well as with larger enterprises. To foster and facilitate SMEs, RGC will take further measures like:
4.80 Rural Credit is an important ingredient for broad based economic expansion, for rural development, and for alleviation of poverty by supporting agricultural production and the creation and expansion of businesses (particularly SMEs), increasing productivity, generating incomes and for raising living standards. Much more funds will be needed to even partially meet the huge demand for rural credit. The most important challenge is to find ways and means by which rural credit could be made available at much lower rates of interest than prevailing now (48% per annum). To ensure increased and easy access to the poor for credit, especially for productive purposes, RGC will take measures to expand, and reduce the high cost of, rural credit by:
4.81 Employment creation and better working conditions: The main objectives are: create gainful employment opportunities in both formal and informal sectors; improve supply of qualified labour; and eliminate worst forms of child labour. The garment industry, growing at a very fast rate, has transformed the urban employment situation by creating and sustaining labour-intensive employment mainly for young women. In other sectors as well, a systematic policy is being followed to create more jobs especially for young people entering the labour market and indeed for all Cambodians through various measures:
4.82 Very closely linked to and as an integral part of employment is ensuring safe, proper and hygienic workplace conditions and fair and just contractual terms for the labour force. RGC is constantly addressing these issues including setting minimum wage and holidays, reducing inequality in wages between men and women, resolution of disputes and disagreements through peaceful means without causing disruption to production and loss of wages to employees. Priorities include:
4.83 Social Safety Nets: RGC will continue to provide alleviating social sector interventions which will include: reducing the vulnerability of the poor; measures to mitigate impact of natural disasters and calamities; help victims of such events; expand rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for the disabled, those affected by drug abuse, victims of trafficking and children in conflict with the law, as well as welfare programs for the elderly, orphans, poor widows and widowers, poor female headed households, female victims, the homeless, and veterans and their families; preventing criminal acts and ensuring safety at all levels with cooperation as partnership with EDPs and stakeholders. Priority strategies and actions to be taken include: the adoption and enforcement of important legislation; and establishment of rehabilitation centres for orphans, street people, disabled, elderly, and women and children victims of trafficking. Since drugs are a major concern for the security and well-being of the whole society, measures to prevent production, smuggling, sale and use of drugs will be strictly pursued by authorities concerned. Capacity Building and Human Resource Development 4.84 The last, but not the least, of the "growth" rectangles of RS covers predominantly social sectors, viz., Education, Health, Gender Equality and Population issues. 4.85 Education: Education is universally accepted as a basic human right. It is also a major contributing factor in poverty reduction. The long-term objective is to ensure that all Cambodian children and youth have equal opportunity to quality education regardless of social status, geography, ethnicity, religion, language, gender or disabilities. Education will also engender a sense of national and civic pride, high standards of morals and ethics and optimism, as well as being responsible for the country and the citizens. The role of education is to enhance learners to become productive and live in harmony in a globalised society. 4.86 Education sector has been one of the acknowledged success stories in the Cambodian socio-economic scenario, in terms of reforms and achievements. However, many challenges remain, among them the importance and urgency to vastly enhance the quality of education. Cooperation among all stakeholders has been quite high in the recent past. Following the experience gained in implementation of the Education Strategic Plan (ESP), 2001-2005, an Education Strategic Plan, 2006-2010 (ESP 2006-2010) has been prepared through wide ranging consultations with all stakeholders and includes the goals for Education for All Plan, 2003-2015. It provides an overarching policy and implementation framework for improving the livelihoods of poor people using education as a critical factor in enhancing social development and economic growth. Emphasis is on education quality improvement at all levels, pre-school, primary, secondary, and Higher Education. This section highlights some of the major elements of ESP 2006-2010 to which further reference should be made for more details. 4.87 The backbone of any country is a "critical mass" of educated, skilled, talented and capable manpower in a variety of economic and social fields. At present, the provision of higher-level education, especially by the private sector, is somewhat lop-sided, responding to short-term market impulses like surge in demand for low and middle-level managerial staff. There is a mismatch between the long-term job profiles and educational attainments. For the country to grow and sustain growth, a whole range of skills is needed such as scientists, engineers, scholars and researchers, and specialists in multifarious fields. The challenge in the education sector is to provide facilities for imparting needed high quality education in a variety of fields, through vocational, technical and university level education and also to be able to attract students to such courses. In this regard, the role of the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia is critical in accrediting only those universities that meet minimum quality criteria, and for the development of a comprehensive Higher Education Strategy. 4.88 Among the major priorities of ESP 2006-2010 and the main policy thrusts are:
4.89 Significant progress has been achieved in the recent past in increases in enrolment levels in primary and lower secondary schools (completion of basic education up to standard 9), though there are still severe gaps relating to the very poor and people in remote areas availing of all the facilities. While both enrolment levels and gender ratios at primary level would reach 100% target well before 2015, those at lower secondary level would fall short of target of 100% unless concerted efforts are made. The immediate major goals include:
4.90 Even as a long-term strategy has to be developed and continued investments have to take place for progress in secondary, tertiary and vocational education during NSDP, the key goals and targets are: Table 4.4: Education Sector: Key Goals and Targets
4.91 Key strategies and actions in the Education sector to achieve these and other goals are:
4.92 Health: Improving the health status of the people is a top priority. Improving nutritional status as well as reproductive health, maternal and child health, removing causes of diseases and illnesses, taking preventative measures and providing medical care where needed are crucial to improving health status of people at large, especially the vulnerable with no means to access such care. There are many cross-sectoral and other factors that impinge on health status of the population. To mention a few, these are: poverty as a cause and consequence of poor health; financial constraints of the poor preventing their easy access to public sector health care services; improvements in water and sanitation; better education and higher literacy levels as well as better access to information and awareness; gender equity; social safety nets for the poor and disadvantaged; better nutrition through appropriate interventions; and so on. 4.93 The Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSP), 2003-2007, to be extended to 2010 after review in 2006 (when updated data becomes available through CDHS), provides the framework of actions that will be taken to achieve the priorities in regard to: (a) health service delivery; (b) behavioural change; (c) quality improvement; (d) human resource development; (e) health financing; and (f) institutional development. HSP would be the guiding framework for all actions in the health sector; what follows -- including indicators in Table 4.5 -- are only some highlights, not fully comprehensive. 4.94 Health is one of the four priority sectors for PAP, which assures adequate allocation and timely release of budgetary funds both for current and capital expenditures. Still, in actual utilization of funds, the central level seems to use a larger share than the provinces and levels below. Because of many providers, both public and private, and expenditure incurred by individuals, many of them very poor, it is quite difficult to correctly estimate the amount spent on health care in Cambodia, but on a rough basis it is quite low, about US$ 33 per capita. Equity Funds have been introduced to supplement the existing system of exemptions from user fees and to improve access to health care for the poor. 17 pilots are underway in 13 provinces and municipalities, and Equity Funds will be scaled up in the near future. However, more sustainable ways of helping the poor in the longer-term have to be explored. Both to improve outreach for, and quality of, preventive and curative care, the Minimum Package of Activities (MPA) and Complementary Package of Activities (CPA) schemes are operational. NGOs are being associated under contractual terms in 11 pilot operational districts to ensure proper delivery of health care, especially in poorer and remote areas to reach the vulnerable sections of the population. These will be expanded to cover other areas. Table 4.5: Health Sector: Priority Goals and Targets
4.95 Priority strategies and actions to be taken in the Health Sector are:
4.96 HIV/AIDS: HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and impact mitigation efforts are important vectors contributing to the overall NSDP goal of poverty reduction and economic growth. Concerted efforts have resulted in reductions in prevalence observed since 1997; rapid expansion of services for people living with HIV through the Continuum of Care; increased levels of HIV knowledge throughout the population; and changes in policy environment such as enacting the Law on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS. However, the changing nature of the epidemic, from a concentration in high-risk groups to diffusion among general population, necessitates further strengthening of the national response to HIV/AIDS. RGC is committed to a multi-sectoral response, guided by the National Strategic Plan for a Comprehensive Response to HIV/AIDS, 2006-2010, with a strong decentralised response. Important priorities include:
4.97 Gender Equity: RGC accords highest status for women who are the very foundation of Cambodia's society and economy. The Strategic Plan for women, "Neary Rattanak" or "women are precious gems" will continue with vigour aimed at providing Cambodian women with faith, value and hope in life through gender mainstreaming in all activities. RGC attaches a high priority to uplifting and enhancing the social status of women by focusing attention on implementation of a gender strategy, building the capacity of women in all sectors, changing social attitudes that discriminate against women, and ensuring the rights of women to actively and equally participate in nation building. 4.98 Very critical to poverty reduction are speedy removal of latent and overt barriers inherent in gender disparities such as unequal access to education, paid employment, land ownership, their reproductive health care, vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and trafficking, and the generally disadvantaged position in both family and society while at the same time bearing a heavy share in raising a family. While many women are in the labour force of the industrial sector, thanks to the till now fast growing garment sector where they predominate albeit as low level labour, the representation of women in policy and decision making levels, including the National Assembly and other democratic institutions, government service and others is still low and needs to improve considerably. 4.99 As a crosscutting issue this forms part of education, health, employment and other sections already covered earlier in this chapter. The myriad and varied aspects of gender mainstreaming in the country will be attended to with vigour. At the national, as well as sub-national and grass root levels, attention will continue to be focused on:
4.100 NDSP will focus through spreading of awareness and active action on some key areas:
4.101 Population Policy: This is also a broad cross-cutting issue involving many other sectors such as health, education, environment, macro economy, gender equality, drug issues, and others. The current high rate of population growth, at 1.8% per annum places a heavy burden on public services and resources and is a contributory factor to intractable levels of poverty. Priorities to be addressed include:
4.102 Costs, Resources and Programming: Achievement of all interim goals and targets during the NSDP period, 2006-2010, will involve a large amount of financial and technical resources both in the public and private sectors. These are considered in the next chapter (V), together with the likely amount of resources that would be available and the programming modalities through PIP and annual budgets. |