Annex Six

Additional Data Presentations

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Major Donor 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total Disbursements 1992-2006
(Provisional) (USD) % Dist
UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES                                  
  - Programs Delivered: Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 90,147 86,548 90,785 81,808 88,307 73,794 91,785 96,334 699,508 ...
  - Own Funds Disbursed  13,276 30,977 26,154 30,968 50,315 42,704 49,518 45,282 49,433 44,918 42,222 44,208 36,294 41,111 47,867 595,247 8.6%
INT'L FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS                                  
  - IBRD/World Bank 0 68 40,009 29,601 40,401 28,115 29,313 26,716 32,697 43,078 47,245 63,663 49,456 37,832 26,570 494,764 7.1%
  - International Monetary  0 8,800 21,238 42,290 400 0 0 11,500 11,478 22,957 23,504 12,268 2,359 310 199 157,304 2.3%
  - Asian Development Bank 0 12,297 12,388 37,860 49,238 18,390 36,488 26,869 51,133 48,685 78,470 73,282 76,662 89,399 61,981 673,142 9.7%
  - Global Fund                           18,846 22,174 41,021 0.60%
Sub-Total: UN Agencies & IFI's  13,276 52,142 99,789 140,719 140,354 89,209 115,319 110,367 144,741 159,638 191,442 193,421 164,771 187,498 158,791 1,961,477 28.2%
EUROPEAN UNION                                  
  European Commission 32,118 19,068 9,163 28,886 57,622 36,793 49,291 28,279 27,945 22,679 25,833 32,717 15,020 23,651 35,242 444,308 6.4%
  Belgium 1,941 2,184 971 2,695 1,986 1,672 3,186 4,768 2,641 1,274 2,245 3,694 5,200 11,701 7,327 53,485 0.8%
  Denmark 3,997 5,880 5,844 5,129 20,813 5,076 4,461 2,684 3,529 2,847 4,762 4,258 5,793 4,838 6,095 86,005 1.2%
  Finland 1,696 679 575 0 0 112 250 700 3,269 1,199 868   3,298 3,342 3,463 19,451 0.3%
  France 5,797 32,260 35,807 62,237 42,887 26,492 23,216 18,586 27,800 36,047 28,348 25,922 23,039 24,441 22,008 434,887 6.3%
  Germany 2,637 2,483 3,349 13,896 9,607 10,082 9,838 12,319 12,225 10,020 17,226 17,597 14,096 27,293 30,539 193,208 2.8%
  Netherlands 17,159 11,147 9,980 3,447 11,542 3,257 5,671 6,053 4,912 3,606 3,732 2,753 1,613 1,144 70 86,087 1.2%
  Sweden 13,368 14,994 10,098 25,314 16,079 17,413 13,499 10,830 14,122 13,112 13,570 12,387 22,024 13,600 16,104 226,515 3.3%
  United Kingdom 7,032 5,075 7,099 10,700 4,134 2,250 9,866 9,416 13,000 8,711 11,644 15,367 17,015 20,555 19,978 161,842 2.3%
  Other EU Member States                     10         10 0.0%
  Sub-Total: EU 85,745 93,770 82,886 152,304 164,670 103,147 119,278 93,635 109,443 99,495 108,239 114,695 107,098 130,565 140,827 1,705,797 24.6%
MAJOR BILATERAL DONORS                                  
  Australia 10,511 15,917 13,792 27,508 20,172 27,296 18,205 18,390 29,417 19,873 17,795 22,689 24,279 16,788 17,266 299,897 4.3%
  Canada 5,821 6,584 4,512 4,261 3,179 4,179 4,756 2,579 818 5,243 3,392 2,624 1,472 9,103 5,689 64,212 0.9%
  China 912 871 7,089 3,129 10,850 9,496 14,345 2,994 2,610 16,325 5,723 5,573 32,470 46,638 53,237 212,262 3.1%
  Japan 66,897 102,025 95,606 112,402 111,000 59,843 71,372 88,000 106,021 100,023 105,604 101,159 101,761 111,669 100,451 1,433,833 20.6%
  New Zealand 0 0 243 254 209 43 1,003 804 1,002 718 1,280 1,912 2,445 2,075 1,531 13,518 0.2%
  Norway 7,876 3,105 806 924 1,441 2,149 1,000 1,020 1,310 1,151 3,387 2,735 3,367 0 0 30,271 0.4%
  Republic of Korea 0 30 0 0 252 0 50 1,048 706 1,199 22,498 10,322 24,138 14,857 13,259 88,359 1.3%
  Russian Federation 5,100 3,700 2,100 1,040 280 262 300 340 851 334 331 409 350 0 0 15,397 0.2%
  Switzerland                     2,930 2,466 3,185 2,787 2,535 13,903 0.2%
  United States of America 35,551 33,809 31,701 45,149 28,761 30,509 30,364 23,000 17,608 23,848 22,092 34,266 40,607 43,254 51,004 491,524 7.1%
  Other Bilateral Donors 17,425 4,616 1,572 4,530 1,115 7,179 1,191 2,533 435 435 642         41,672 0.6%
  Sub-Total: Bilateral Donors 150,093 170,657 157,421 199,197 177,259 140,956 142,586 140,708 160,778 169,149 185,674 184,153 234,073 247,171 244,972 2,704,846 38.9%
NGO (core funds) 1,069 5,322 17,949 21,100 35,800 49,876 56,097 55,000 51,851 43,560 45,568 47,238 49,449 44,719 50,162 574,760 8.3%
TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 250,183 321,891 358,045 513,320 518,082 383,188 433,280 399,710 466,813 471,842 530,923 539,507 555,392 609,953 594,752 6,946,881 100.0%

6.2 DISBURSEMENTS BY SECTOR 1992-2006 (USD 000s)

SECTOR 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total Disbursements: 1992-2006
US $ '000 % distribution
Health 15,483 28,867 20,788 24,877 43,696 32,027 62,969 70,864 67,710 66,081 67,610 83,097 95,867 110,299 109,960 900,196 13.0%
Education 15,763 28,520 28,884 42,336 34,738 48,269 58,251 40,457 40,496 44,983 68,859 75,023 73,421 69,278 71,549 740,827 10.7%
Agriculture 16,875 27,528 24,269 36,650 64,559 18,012 12,428 25,567 44,141 35,381 36,972 37,790 45,261 33,819 25,855 485,107 7.0%
Manufacturing, Mining & Trade 432 10 304 331 2,784 7,498 5,404 957 90 1,543 1,541 1,732 6,953 9,966 10,227 49,771 0.7%
Rural Development & Land Management 35,103 43,548 28,542 70,191 78,097 67,918 63,274 58,087 67,318 61,880 50,049 35,878 60,484 50,005 45,458 815,831 11.7%
Banking and Business Services                     0 0 0 12,720 5,681 18,401 0.3%
Urban Planning & Management                     0 0 0 3,926 3,138 7,064 0.1%
Post & Telecommunications 860 1,350 2,086 3,936 22,344 16,761 11,010 5,560 677 1,239 1,516 1,172 1,207 857 9,761 80,336 1.2%
Power & Electricity 1,057 7,498 23,702 38,972 13,772 17,335 30,893 28,789 21,364 5,705 6,322 20,270 12,871 15,632 14,632 258,815 3.7%
Transportation 8,682 45,126 57,743 78,299 60,249 37,236 47,072 33,935 47,140 59,712 78,081 65,607 81,959 73,855 53,333 828,028 11.9%
Water and Sanitation (excluding Agriculture and Rural) 2,359 220 0 0 0 164 141 4 15 1 15,050 22,906 4,882 24,494 16,938 87,174 1.3%
Community and Social Welfare Services 5,571 15,802 27,095 41,147 20,828 18,833 33,106 24,747 36,419 69,615 64,133 81,024 43,748 35,324 35,476 552,868 8.0%
Culture & Arts 141,058 53,676 41,602 28,077 12,299 15,829 9,785 47,242 66,915 40,098 14,203 15,937 18,425 4,795 5,712 515,653 7.4%
Environment and Conservation 315 1,236 1,541 1,072 3,349 5,844 3,469 2,842 2,133 979 15,279 18,181 19,586 12,308 13,962 102,097 1.5%
Gender Mainstreaming                     0 0 0 2,591 2,789 5,379 0.1%
HIV/AIDS                     0 0 0 25,358 31,755 57,112 0.8%
Governance & Administration 6,625 68,510 101,489 147,432 161,367 97,462 95,478 60,659 72,396 84,625 100,971 58,441 46,838 67,347 92,944 1,262,584 18.2%
Tourism                     0 0 0 1,242 2,305 3,546 0.1%
Budget/BoP Support and Debt Relief                     0 0 0 11,097 17,551 28,648 0.4%
Emergency relief and food aid                     0 0 0 3,038 383 3,422 0.0%
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,336 22,450 43,889 42,002 25,343 144,020 2.1%
TOTAL 250,183 321,891 358,045 513,320 518,082 383,188 433,280 399,710 466,813 471,842 530,923 539,507 555,392 609,953 594,752 6,946,881 100.0%

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