TWG: Forestry and Environment

TWG Action Plan

60.    As reported by the TWG, 18 activities were scheduled to be implemented in the Action Plan. Progress has been reported on 14 activities; the other four were behind schedule.

  1. Develop and implement National Forest Program. Initial support secured to start from September, but more will probably be needed for completing the National Forest Program and Management Planning in 2007. Agreement with FLD will be included in AWPB-2007.

  2. Practical implementation of forest demarcation and demarcation of protected areas— behind schedule. MEF has allocated budget for this activity. It will start in October 2006. Some protected areas have been done and some areas are not yet demarcated. Presentation will be made by LMAP at next TWG meeting. The TWG pointed out the need more funding for support activity and cooperation and coordination with Ministry of Lands.

  3. Formulate National Forest Management Plans and manage the forest based on the plan—behind schedule. It is in the reviewing process of FA division’s forest management plans and preparation NFP.

  4. Develop Management Plans for protected areas. Some protected areas have no fund to develop the plan. The TWG pointed out the need for more fund for the remaining areas and requested the Ministry of Environment to release data on Protected Parks (Decision pending for 9 months).

  5. Forest cover assessment for 2005. Assessment on 30% of the total area has been done; the remaining will be carried out once an international institution qualifying for the assessment is found. Three institutions will be contracted for independent data verification (MRC-TA, FLD and GRAS A/S). Data and outputs will be made available in the public domain. Detailed followup studies of “hot spots” using high resolution imagery will be developed as part of AWPB-2007.

  6. Define management options for sustainable forest management in Cambodia—behind schedule). The proposal has been made, and this activity will start in 2007. FA will draft service delivery packages.

  7. Studies on domestic demand for forest products and potential export markets—behind schedule.

  8. Continue Forest and Land Crime Monitoring and Reporting. The TWG reported that there is no fund for Independent Monitor (SGS) and indicated the need for budget.

  9. Secure support and funding and implement the National Forest Gene Conservation Programs Action Plan 2006-10. Funding has been secured mid-September 2006 for a 2 year Community Based Forest Gene Conservation project. Implementation will start in October 2006.

  10. Implement National Community Forestry Program and develop community forestry. Agreement has been made with FLD to strengthen livelihoods opportunities.

  11. Assess and test out “Forest Partnership” in pilot communes as an alternative form of forest management and a mechanism for forest revenue to contribute to local development. Agreement has been made with FLD to strengthen livelihoods opportunities.

  12. Small scale family business based on forest products promoted—behind schedule. The TWG indicated the need for budget.

  13. Implement Overall Capacity Building Program. The TWG reported that the activity is ongoing, yet there is not enough support for implementation.

  14. Install Website for TWGFE.

  15. Tree planting for socio-economic purposes and environmental services by multiple stakeholders. 3,500 ha of land has been planted. The TWG recommended that investment in tree planting from private and government sectors should be encouraged.

  16. Processing techniques for value added products and innovative products promoted—behind schedule. The TWG reported that no budget is available for implementation and indicated the need for budget.

  17. Capacity building project for forestry sector phase II.

  18. Capacity building tree seed sector and apply for funding and continuation.

61.    The following issues were reported by the TWG as affecting the implementation of TWG Action Plan:

  1. Insufficient fund to cover the TWG work plan.

  2. Information sharing from all stakeholders to TWG secretariat needs attention and improvement.

  3. More donor back-up and financial attention for TWG meeting is required.

Joint Monitoring Indicators

62.    Strengthening the enforcement of the Forestry Law, especially combating forest land clearing and encroachment (Quarterly report). 191.090 ha of forest land are being taken back from offenders, of which 9,324 ha is flood forest. As constraints, The TWG identified the lack of means and financial support for the implementation of activity and indicated the need for budget support.

63.    Rationalizing and reclassify national forest lands to ensure sustainable use of these resources by further forest demarcation/demarcation of protected areas (4th Quarter 2006). Budget for forest demarcation has been allocated by MEF and it will start in October 2006. (i) For 16 Protected Areas (National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary) maps are being produced and on-ground boundary demarcation is undertaken by putting landmark. (ii) Protected Landscape and Multiple Use Area are under complicated situation. However, there is still insufficient budget for this activity, and more budget is needed.

64.    Completing forest cover assessment 2005/06 (end 2006). Assessment on 30 % of total area has been done. To complete the task, 9 Landsat ETM scenes will have to be purchased and analysis undertaken by FA GIS Lab. Three institutions will be contracted for independent data verification (MRC-TA, FLD and GRAS A/S). Accordingly, budget needs to be secured for implementation.

65.  Implementing Community Forestry Program and develop community forestry (quarterly). The program has been approved and actions have been taken in some areas. But there is still the need for more budget.

66. Implementing capacity building for forestry sector program/ tree planting for socioeconomic purposes (quarterly). Capacity building is being undertaken on schedule; Trees have been planted on 3,500 ha of land. The TWG recommended that more investment in tree planting is needed.

67.  Independent monitoring in the forestry sector (subject to donor grant funding). This activity is still pending for fund support.

68.  Strengthen transparency by disseminating all relevant sector information on the activities of government agencies, including information on mining concession and military development zones, as well as donors and NGOs by periodically posting on TWGFE website (4th Quarter 2006). (i) MIME has disclosed information of mining areas; (ii) MoD has been sent a representative to a member of TWG and will disclose the military development zones in the TWG meeting; (iii) MoE will be requested to share GIS data with stakeholders. As constraints, the TWG indicated that some development partner and NGOs are still not providing full information to TWGF& E; there is need for information sharing.

Implementation status of the H-A-R Action Plan

69. Development partners review their country assistance strategies and policies to align their assistance with NSDP priorities and sector development plans (B.1.a.1). MRMLP (2006-2010) supported by Danida/DfiD Multi-DORNOR Livelihoods Facility is aligned to NSDP. NRMLP was launched by MEF/CDC on 12 September 2006.

70.  Implement the agreed strategy (B.2.d.2). Any strategy has been developed based upon identification of parallel PIU/PMU in forestry sector. The TWG modality is expected to be the entry point for forest development and donor assistance including TA support.

71. All sector plans and development programs/projects includes an assessment of the existing capacity gaps and a capacity development plan to fill gaps to achieve targeted development results (B.3.a.1). Overall capacity building program of the forestry sector was formulated under the participation of vast stakeholders and evaluation of all relevant programs/projects. The formulation of a National Forest Programme will address capacity development.

72.  Each sector TWG prepares and implements a capacity development program for their sector ministry/agency to fill identified capacity gaps (B.3.a.2). Overall capacity building program of the forestry sector has been implemented and most of stakeholders were invited to participate. Additional capacity development support has been agreed for the GIS/remote Sensing Laboratory within FA and FOR community based Forest Gene Conservation.

73.   Each TWG prepares a plan to increase delegated cooperation within their sector/thematic area (C.1.a.2). TWG-F&E Website provides opportunities to exchange information on donor’s delegation/mission. DFID has delegated its NRMLP support to Danida and it is expected that joint missions will be promoted and analytical work will be jointly formulated.

74.   Each TWG prepares a calendar of field missions, diagnostic review and duties planned by donors participating in the sector/thematic area of the TWG (C.1.b.1). TWG-F&E Website provides opportunities to exchange information on donor’s delegation/mission, and there is an alternate schedule sheet of missions. The calendar and activities will be prepared by TWG for information sharing.

Resource mobilization

75.   The TWG reported that is has not been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan 2006. The total amount of resources the TWG had estimated to for implementation of the Action Plan is USD 18.49 million. The minimum additional amount that the TWG needs to implement its Action Plan is USD 5.33 million. The TWG identified the following development partners as potential sources of funding: JICA, DANIDA, DFID, GTZ, FAO, UNDP, EU, AFD, and USAID.

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