TWG: Gender

TWG Action Plan

76.  The TWG reported 32 activities were planned to be implemented and progress has been reported on most activities.































Assist ministries without GMAG/Gender Strategy to establish GMAG and prepare gender strategy and action plan. Ministry of Information, MRD, and MOH have finalized their gender strategy. MoC, MIME, MOWRAM and SCS are in the process of finalizing their gender strategy. The following ministries do not yet have a Gender Mainstreaming Action Group in place: MoFA, Ministiry of Tourism, MOE, Council of Minister, Ministry of Social Affairs and Veteran and Rehabilitation. The reason, as reported by TWG, was that theconsultation process has taken a long time, and in other cases the data collection has taken a long time. The TWG suggested that strong commitment from senior management of line ministries is necessary for the development of a gender strategy and for its implementation, in particular for the human resources and financial implications.
Support and monitor implementation of gender strategy/action plan in line ministries that have GMAG and plan in place. The MOH has an action plan in place for its gender strategy.
Monitor Implementation of Gender Budgeting. WB Project on Gender Budgeting was completed, and it will be continued by PGE/UNDP. During the last semester the World Bank project conducted three research assignments: (i) Gender Assessment of the Cambodian Civil Service; (ii) Making motherhood safer: A Gender Sensitive Appraisal of Service Delivery and Budget Allocations for Maternal Health Care; (iii) Where did all the day cares go? A gender analysis of Child Care Practice, Time, Poverty and Employment choices for poor Women. The findings of these research assignments are currently in the process of being discussed and reviewed by the various stakeholders. MoWA decided to publish two reports: (i) Integrating Gender into the Appraisal of the effectiveness of service delivery for infant and maternal health care; and (ii) Day Care, Labour and Gendered Employment Barriers. a National Consultant is being engaged by MoWA to update these two reports. CAR did not recommend to publish a research on "Gender Parity Gaps in the Civil Service".
Monitor and support implementation of NSDP including development of genderresponsive sector wide plans. The NSDP was approved by the National Assembly in June 2006, and the MoP launched it on 15 August 2006. MoP included a representative of MoWA into the Working Group and Core Group for monitoring the implementation of the NSDP. MoWA has already developed its annual plan, aligned with the NSDP and PIP.
Support adaptation of Organic Laws that are gender responsive and include development of gender budgeting. MOWA has established a team on Gender Mainstreaming in the Organic Law. The team had several meetings to discuss the priorities and the key entry points to integrate gender issues in organic law for the management of the sub-national level. The MoI is still working on the preliminary draft of the Organic Law(s) and has not yet distributed the draft for comments. MOWA requests the early circulation of the draft of the organic law(s).
Gender Mainstreaming (GM) Strategy in D&D. Key points for the development of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy in D&D have been drafted. The National Program to support D&D has not yet been developed; the gender mainstreaming strategy will be developed in line with the National Program to support D&D.
Capacity Building for use of GM methods and tools at sub-national level (gender awareness, gender analysis, gender-based M&E, advocacy, leadership). The Provincial Gender Assessment has been published with support from UNDP/PGE, World Bank, UNICEF/Seth Koma, Seila/PLG and UNFPA. Seila/PLG and MoWA are in the process of developing of Gender Based M&E Framework and training manual for the sub-national level.
MoWA, with support from UNFPA will be developing gender analysis training manual and tools. A Gender Assessment of Kampong Cham province was completed (English and Khmer versions) in collaboration between Seila/MoWA and PGM/JICA, engaging a consulting company. It is due for publication soon.
GM in planning and budgeting cycle in 24 provinces. MoWA has developed a guideline for integrating gender issues in the Provincial Planning and Budgeting Cycle. A consultation workshop with directors and gender focal points of PDWA from all 24 provinces on the utilization of this guideline has taken place.
Strengthen the capacity of women and children focal points (WCFP) and female Commune Councilors. ToT and "cascade" training on organizing Forum for female Councilor and Women and Children Focal Points in all 24 provinces has been taken place. The District Focal Points have now also run their first Forum in September and are organizing a second forum and a third annual review forum for commune councils. The selected WCFPs of Kampong Cham Province were trained in implementing sector-based gender responsive activities at commune level in collaboration with PDWA/MoWA with support from PGM/JICA.
Inter ministerial approach to strengthening capacity for gender issues in D&D process. MOWA is carrying out awareness-raising campaign on the importance of women's participation among the selection committee members.
Media campaign focused on women to encourage their participation (as candidates, voters, etc.). MoWA, with support from UNFPA and UNDP, has initiated work with NGO’s to promote women candidates in commune elections through Public Fora in a number of provinces. MOWA, with support from UNDP, UNFPA, and UNIFEM, is in the process of commissioning a study for the development of a National Gender Advocacy and
Communications Strategy.
Advocacy with political parties to promote selection of women as candidates. MoWA have met with political parties (individuals and in groups) to discuss the importance and the inclusion of women's participation in commune councils. NCSC has issued guidelines for the appointment of village representatives emphasizing at least one woman for every three persons appointed.
Targeted training for female candidates for commune elections. MOWA, with support from UNDP and UNFPA, is currently initiating work with NGO’s to provide training services for female candidates for the commune elections.
Women’s Development Centers (WDC). Upgrade and/or construct new facilities; develop/strengthen programming. The design and construction of a new center in Siem Reap has been initiated. A bid document has been prepared with support from ADB. A WDC monitoring and reporting system has been designed. (i) An Economic profile is being developed for Siem Reap and Kampong Chhnang provinces; (ii) Training is being conducted on Gender and Enterprise Development to MoWA staff and WDC in Kampong Chhnang provinces; (iii) Capacity Building of MoWA staff, provincial department of Women's Affairs and WDC in Siem Reap and Kampong Chhnang provinces is ongoing.
Other entry points. Establish/strengthen multiple entry points (including WDC) to support women’s income-generation activities. ADB is supporting Micro and Small Enterprises Development, identifying market-oriented skills training needs in each location. The Center in Kampong Cham has been renovated. Assessment tools have been designed, the program team trained in the use of tools, and data collection and analysis of information in Kampong Chhnange is ongoing. PGM/MoWA & JICA have been implementing gender responsive projects related to economic empowerment in Kampong Cham province since July 2006, as part of capacity building for gender mainstreaming, involving MAFF, MRD, MLVT,MIME and MOC.
Garment Industry Productivity Center (Productivity/management training for garment workers). MoWA participated in various workshops organized by ILO on Gender and Garment Industry.
Social security system for private sector workers, with particular attention to garment workers. Currently there is no information from ILO.
Awareness raising and training activities to address domestic violence and other forms of violence against women. (i) MoWA had been invited by MoI to train focal points; the focal point will train commune/sangkat counselors in all provinces; (ii) GTZ has made and prepared materials for dissemination including books, leaflets, in the purpose of training civil servants of provincial–municipality departments of Women's Affairs; (iii) GTZ has been cooperating with the department of legal protection in order to enforce the law on domestic violence effectively; (iv) Provincial Facilitator Team (PFT) and District Facilitators Team (DFT) in 24 provinces received training on Principle of prevention of domestic violence; (v) PFT & DFT provided echo-training to their communes. MoWA and GTZ will select 50% of existing lawyers for a course of DV, and GTZ is preparing training materials to use in the implementation. The Department of legal protection is preparing leaflets and DV terminologies.
Media campaign-newsletters, pamphlet, radio, TV (this is related to DV laws). 6 Radio Programmes on DV by MWA are being produced but have not been broadcasted yet. IEC materials have been produced and distributed to stakeholders at national and sub-national levels.
Monitor collection of statistics on violence against women for policy making and M&E. Baseline surveys on attitudes towards violence against women have been finalized by GTZ, UNIFEM and East West Management Institute. The findings were presented on 3 May 2006. UNIFEM has launched this document with NGOs on June 7th 2006.
Support adoption and Implementation of Anti Trafficking Law. The UN Protocol on Prevention, intervention and Punishment of Human Trafficking especially Women and Children which was added to the UN convention against Transnational Organized Crime was ratified by the National Assembly on November 25, 2005 and Consultation on the draft of the Anti Trafficking law with MoJ was held on December 2 prior to COM. Draft of the Antitrafficking law is being discussed further on the definition of Trafficking at the TWG on legal and justice system reform, Ministry of Justice. GDCC should encourage the TWG on legal and Judicial Reform to consider this law as their priority because it is one of the JMI under their responsibility.
Promote and support development of gender responsive migration policy to recognize and protect rights of migrant workers. A national committee for Women's Migration is formed and has recently been renamed the Inter-ministerial Task force on Migration. The task force will meet for the first time in October 2006. The ToR has been approved by MoWA and MoLVT.
Review, assess and monitor 2005 CDHS results. The release of CDHS findings has been delayed. Preliminary results of CDHS 2005 were only recently released (September, 2006).
Develop, implement and monitor prevention plans based on priority issues identified in CDHS, eg HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, nutrition, child health, infant mortality, etc. The TWG reported that no Information from MoH.
Teacher recruitment/priority for female candidates. Teachers will be recruited in October 2006.
Capacity building on management and advocacy training for model female teachers, schools directors and deputy directors. Director and Deputy Director of department, provincial, district office of education received training on technical, administration, gender awareness, gender mainstreaming, gender indicators, advocacy and relationship school and community. These trainings have been completed. These trainings have been provided by TWG on Gender of the MoEYS with support from UNICEF.
Dormitories for girls. Three dormitories are being constructed in Phnom Penh near Chatomuk School organized by MoEYS. MoEYS and MoWA signed MoU on construction of two Dormitories for girls in Siem Reap and Preah Vihea province which will be supported by ADB.
Develop Gender Terminology and Translation (JMI). JICA engaged a local institution for development of Gender Terminology manual. The latest draft of Gender Terminology manual, includes a list of 55 common gender terms, is finalized and has been shared with stakeholders for comments in September, 2006. A Gender Terminology Committee was established in November, 2005. Several consultation meetings took place between MOWA and development partners since May 2006.
Audit of gender training programs and strengthen based on results (JMI). lack of human resources and time limited.
Assist GMAGs to develop GMAPs.
Maintain and update Gender Resource Mobilization Matrix
(JMI). Updated Gender Resource Mobilization Matrix is developed by TWGG and MoWA in February, 2006.
Promote/support naming of Gender Focal Points (GFP) in all TWG (Joint Missions). TWGG meeting has encouraged the Gender Focal Points in the line Ministries to participate in other TWGs meeting, including the TWG on Gender. Other TWGs should encourage their representatives to attend the TWG on Gender. Representatives of the TWG on Gender should participate in all other TWGs.

Joint Monitoring Indicators

77.  Support and Monitor implementation of Domestic Violence Prevention Plan (2006). National Prevention Plan against Domestic Violence is finished and now in the process of consultations with all the stakeholders. A sub-degree is needed for the implementation of the Domestic Violence Law.

78.   Adoption of Anti-Trafficking Law (2006). Draft of Anti-Trafficking Law is in the process of discussion on definition of Trafficking, currently under TWG on Legal & Justice system reform. There is disagreement on the definition of trafficking as MoWA requested MoJ to follow the definition stated in the UN Protocol. The Anti-trafficking law has to be harmonized with trafficking definition in the UN Protocol and the Criminal law.

79.   Engendering organic law with gender and gender budgeting (2006). The draft law on the Organic Law has not made available to TWGG members for comments. Without seeing the draft, it is hard to comment on the mainstreaming of gender into the organic laws. MoWA will meet with MoI to discuss entry points for gender mainstreaming into the organic law(s). Close cooperation between MoI and MoWA is necessary as the Anti-trafficking law is one of the JMIs. Implementation status of the H-A-R Action Plan

80.  RGC's sector ministries and development partners adopt harmonized approaches to tackle cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality (C.2.b). MoWA has developed Gender Mainstreaming Guideline to establish GMAG and provides TA for development of gender mainstreaming strategy in 7 Ministries. MoWA and a number of development partners are meeting regularly to harmonize their approach and support to gender mainstreaming. MoWA has been promoting close alignment with the select sector ministries to facilitate development and implementation of sector based gender responsive activities in collaboration with PGM/JICA.

81.   RGC and development partners use jointly agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks that have managerial number of indicators to monitor progress against key dimensions of national and sector development strategies (D.a). To harmonize with NSDP, MoWA used the framework from the Ministry of Planning to prepare its Action Plan for 2007. All departments of Women's Affairs have completed the Action Plan for 2006 and 2007 with the Financial and Technical support from UNDP/PGE/MoWA.

Resource mobilization

82. The TWG reported that it has been able to mobilize resources for the implementation of the
TWG Action Plan.

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