Pre-CG Meeting

Between the Royal Government of Cambodia and Development Partners

Council for the Development of Cambodia
Phnom Penh - September 10, 2004


Agenda | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Welcome Remarks, H.E. KEAT CHHON, Sr. Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance and First Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Keynote Address, Samdech HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Briefs on behalf of the Donor Community on:


Overview on Governance - H.E. Ian C. Porter, World Bank | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Anti-Corruption - H.E. Takahashi Fumiaki, Ambassador of Japan | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Growth and Private Sector Development - H.E. Shyam P. Baipai, ADB
| Khmer | English |  (Download: Khmer | English )


Public Financial Management Reform - H.E. Robert P. Hagemann, IMF  | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Public Administration and Decentralization Reforms - H.E. Douglas Gardner, UNDP | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Legal and Judicial Reform - H.E. Yvon Roe D’albert, Ambassador of France
| Khmer | English | French |  (Download: Khmer | English | France )


Partnerships - H.E. Lisa Filipetto, Ambassador of Australia | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )


Closing Address, Samdech HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia | Khmer | English | (Download: Khmer | English )

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