TWG: Infrastructure and Regional Integration

TWG Action Plan

98.    The TWG reported that the following 11 activities were scheduled for implementation, and satisfactory progress has been reported on 7 activities:

  1. Transport Sector Strategy—behind schedule. The Inter-ministerial Re-organization Committee (IRC) hold meeting in early June 2006 on the revised draft TSS; it recognizes the importance of the polices. The IRC will review and recommend the policies of five subtransport sectors, railway, waterway, urban road, civil aviation and general transport policies.

  2. Reach agreement on a clear transparent mechanism for budget allocation and disbursement and monitoring for repair and maintenance of roads. MEF abolishes Fund for Road Repair and Maintenance due to the Public Financial Reform Program. MEF and MPWT agreed in the meeting on 21 August 2006 to establish the Inter-Ministerial Committee led by MPWT and MEF Secretaries of State to facilitate the issues.

  3. Submit Road Law to CoM for approval. Draft Road Law has been completed and is pending comments by Ministry of Justice before sending to CoM.

  4. Road Safety Action Plans –behind schedule. MEF approved an amount of US$ 170,000.00 for the establishment of Secretariat Office of the National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) and operation costs. Handicap International Belgium has allocated fund of US$ 171,616.00 to assist NRSC in partially implementing the action plan in 2006. Since June 2006, an ADB individual Consultant and NRSC has completed the draft 5 year detailed rolling Road Safety Action Plan. Due to the current stage of increasingly road traffic accidents, it is strongly urged that the effective implementation of Road Safety Action Plan is urgent. Hence, Financial Assistance is very essentially required. GDCC is, therefore, requested to assist in appealing for financial assistance from interested Donor(s).

  5. Strategic Plan for Rural Roads in Cambodia. Final draft of Strategic Plan for Rural Roads was completed; discussion with line ministries on the final draft will be carried out shortly.

  6. Submit Telecom law to CoM for approval. The Draft Telecom Law has been submitted to the NA since April 2006; discussion with the NA Technical Committee has been held twice. The submission of the draft law for adoption by the NA will be shortly.

  7. Telecom Sector Policy Statement (TSPS). The Draft Telecom Policy Statement has been submitted to CoM in January 2006. It is suggested that TSPS be abolished as the Draft Telecom Law will be soon adopted.

  8. Sub-decree of River Basin Management. First draft of the River Basin Management subdecree has been prepared by MOWRAM with assistance of consultants from the ADB/AFD North West Irrigation Sector Project. The Sub-decree is being internally reviewed by MOWRAM; upon completion it will be reviewed by the concerned line ministries. GDCC is to assist in acceleration of the promulgation of Draft Law of Water Resources Management by the NA. The sub-decree is part of the draft Law of Water Resources Management which is currently pending promulgation at the NA.

  9. Submit Water Supply and Sanitation Law (WSSL) to CoM for approval. The draft WSSL was submitted to CoM in March 2005. OBSESS reviewed the draft in November 2005; and in early May 2006, CoM has requested MIME to revise 17 points. The draft is being revised. There is no progress yet since last report.

  10. Prepare draft of Cambodia National Wood Energy Statistic & Wood Energy Policy—a bit delay. The National Working Group was established in February 2006 consisting of 14 persons from 8 different Institutions/Organization. The First Meeting of National Working Group held in March 2006 to exchange idea/view/the way forward. A study has been done based on the existing data gathered from NIS and CFSP. The National Working Group did not receive any fund support from the RGC or outside financing for the conduct of the study. The study is based on existing data only. We will cooperate with further NGOs/Sources in formulating the draft Policy in order to submit to CoM for inter-ministerial Meeting and further comment/observation; hopefully we could submit the draft by the first quarter of 2007 in accordance with our Target Set (1st Quarter of 2007).

  11. Formulation of Civil Aviation Institutional Development Framework—behind schedule. Request for Aeronautical Technical Assistance is under consideration by JICA.

Joint Monitoring Indicators

99.    Reach agreement on a clear transparent mechanism for budget allocation and disbursement and monitoring for repair and maintenance of roads. MPWT and MEF reached an agreement on 21 August 2006 to establish a joint MPWT- MEF Inter-Ministerial Committee led by MPWT and MEF Secretaries of State to facilitate the road maintenance issues. The MPWT- MEF Inter-Ministerial Committee will be established in August 2006.

100. Submit Draft Road Law to CoM for approval. Draft Road Law has been completed and is pending comments by Ministry of Justice before sending to CoM.

101. Submit Telecom law to CoM for approval. Review of the Draft Telecom Law has been completed by the NA Technical Committee and will be shortly submitted to the NA for adoption. Telecom Sector Policy Statement shall be abolished as the Draft Telecom Law will be soon adopted.

102. The TWG did not report on the implementation status of the H-A-R Action Plan and resource mobilization.

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