TWG Action Plan
122. There were 9 activities planned to
be implemented, and satisfactory has been reported on all activities:
Establish a mechanism to coordinate and
facilitate the implementation of the RGC's H-A-R Action Plan 2006-2010.
Following the P&H TWG meeting on 31 May 2006, a small group was
established to consider specific arrangements for the establishment of
the mechanism to coordinate, facilitate and monitor the implementation
of the H-A-R Action Plan. It has been agreed that the monitoring of the
H-A-R Action Plan will be based on existing mechanisms and structures.
No new mechanism will be established that may impose a burden for either
RGC or development partners. Practices of TWGs sending their progress
reports to the GDCC secretariat for consolidation are well established.
In these TWGs progress reports, TWGs have been asked to provide
information on progress made in the implementation of their Action
Plans, JMIs, H-A-R Action Plan, and resources requirements. On this
basis, progress reports on the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan
will be prepared using information contained in the TWGs progress
report, and complemented by other sources such as the OECD-DAC survey
and the ODA Database
RGC and development partners jointly
assess progress, on an annual basis, in implementing RGC's H-A-R Action
Plan. The Cambodia Country Worksheet is being finalized as part of
the 2006 OECD/DAC survey on the implementation of the Paris Declaration.
Findings from the survey will provide a baseline from which a review of
the H-A-R Action Plan, and its monitoring, can be undertaken.
Development partners review their
country assistance strategies and policies to align their assistance
with NSDP priorities and sector development plans. The country
assistance strategies of development partners who have held
consultations with CRDB/CDC are broadly in line with NSDP priorities.
However, the status of assistance for those development partners who do
not engage in consultations with CRDB/CDC is not known. Over time, TWGs
are increasingly expected to support this alignment role so that support
from development partners in each sector is aligned with NSDP priorities
and national systems. CRDB/CDC will support the alignment of ODA at an
aggregate level during the negotiation of country strategies.
CDC/CRDB with support from development
partners carries out a survey on number of existing PIU/PMUs, and
develop a strategy to integrate parallel PIU/PMUs in the government
structure. The Cambodia Country Worksheet is being finalized as part of
the OECD/DAC survey on monitoring the implementation of the Paris
Declaration. Once finalized, it will provide a baseline of the number of
existing PIU/PMUs, including the parallel ones and recommendations to
integrate these parallel PIU/PMUs will be considered.
CDC/CRDB and development partners secure
an agreement that no new parallel PIU/PMUs will be established under new
programs and projects. A commitment that no new parallel PIU/PMUs
will be established under new programs/projects has been incorporated
into the draft Declaration between RGC and development partners to
enhance aid effectiveness. The signing of the Declaration was scheduled
in June but has been postponed to provide opportunity for participation
from all development partners.
CRDB/CDC with support from development
partners carries out a survey to collect information on the proportion
of aid delivered through “untied-aid” modality and based on survey
findings, formulate and implement a strategy, jointly with development
partners, to increase the proportion of untied ODA. It is proposed
that this activity be monitored with reference to the work of the OECD-DAC
and through recording tied aid in the project records of the CRDB ODA
RGC and development partners jointly
carry out a review of the effectiveness of the TWG mechanism. The
review of the GDCC-TWG mechanism was conducted during April-June, and a
draft report was discussed during a meeting of the Chairs of all TWGs.
The revised draft was circulated to development partners for comments.
The draft was further revised incorporating these comments and will be
discussed by an ad hoc working group composed of RGC senior officials
and development partners that has been formed to review RGC's proposal
for restructuring the CG/CDCF process. Based on the results of the
review, a set of "broad guidelines" for the functioning of the TWG-GDCC
mechanism will be prepared.
Joint Monitoring Indicators
123. Implement the RGC’s Strategic
Framework for Development Cooperation Management (SFDCM)—on going. The
SFDCM was approved by RGC on 27 January 2006 and is being implemented by
CRDB/CDC with support from a Multi Donor Support Program for Aid
124. Prepare progress report on a six
month basis the implementation of RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization,
Alignment and Results. The Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and
Managing for Results (H-A-R) based on the Paris Declaration was approved
by RGC on 14 February 2006 after extensive consultation with donors and
line ministries. The mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the
implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan was discussed at the P&H TWG
meeting on 31 May 2006. The meeting agreed to establish a small group to
consider the specific arrangements for the establishment of the mechanism
to coordinate, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the HA-R
Action Plan. While the monitoring mechanism is still to be finalized, it
will be based on the routine reporting of the TWGs to the GDCC
Secretariat. No new mechanism will be established. Practices of TWGs
sending their progress reports to the GDCC secretariat for consolidation
are well established. In these TWGs progress reports, TWGs have been asked
to provide information on progress made in the implementation of their
Action Plans, JMIs, H-A-R Action Plan, and resources requirements. On this
basis, progress reports on the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan
will be prepared using information contained in the TWGs progress report,
and complemented by other sources such as the OECD-DAC survey and the ODA
125. Review and strengthen aid
coordination mechanisms including CG, GDCC and TWGs. The Review was
carried out during April-June 2006. The draft Review was discussed in a
meeting of Chairs of all TWGs on 24 July 2006. The revised draft was sent
to development partners for comments and a set of "broad guidelines" will
be prepared based on the finalized Review.
Implementation status of the H-A-R Action
126. Establish a mechanism to
coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on
Harmonization, alignment and Results. Following the P&H TWG meeting on
31 May 2006, a small group was set up to consider the specific
arrangements for the establishment of the mechanism to coordinate,
facilitate and monitor the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan. While
the mechanism is still to be finalized the monitoring of the H-A-R Action
Plan will be informed by existing mechanisms and structures. No new
mechanism will be established that may impose a burden for either RGC or
development partners. Practices of TWGs sending their progress report to
GDCC secretariat for consolidation to be submitted to the GDCC meetings
are well established. In these TWGs progress reports, TWGs have been asked
to provide information on progress made in the implementation their Action
Plans, JMIs, H-A-R Action Plan, and resources requirements. n this basis,
progress reports on the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan will be
prepared using information contained in the TWGs progress report, and
complemented by other sources such as the OECD-DAC survey and the ODA
Resource mobilization
127. The TWG reported it has been able
to mobilize resources for the implementation of the Action Plan.
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