At the 4th CG Meeting
in May 2000, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) had launched "A
New Development Cooperation Partnership Paradigm for Cambodia". The
purpose was to engage our external partners, NGOs, and national
stakeholders in a meaningful dialogue to move Cambodia forward to a
new paradigm for development cooperation through enhanced
partnerships. This new paradigm has as its foundation the principles
that are being advocated by OECD/DAC and in other international arena
to improve the effectiveness of development cooperation programs.
Since then, the Royal
Government and its development partners have made significant progress
in translating the new paradigm into practice. In addition to the
Working Groups, under the CG mechanism that have been established
since 1999, the RGC and its external partners agreed at the 6th CG
Meeting held in 2002 to establish a Government-Donor Partnership
Working Group. The mandate of this Working Group is to examine issues
related to Government-Donor Partnerships and make recommendations to
strengthen the partnerships, and to report on progress made at both
the CG and the Post-CG Meetings. As part of its initial efforts, this
Working Group decided in early 2003 to commission three studies to
collect and analyze the necessary background information to begin to
tackle the harmonization issues. Sub-Working Groups (SWG) consisting
of Government and development partner's representatives were formed to
facilitate and guide the work of the study teams on each of the
following three studies:
iii. |
building practices of development partners.
Practices and lessons learned in the management of development
National guidelines for development cooperation. |
It is my pleasure to
present a report of the study on Practices and Lessons Learned in the
Management of Development Cooperation—Case Studies in Cambodia. The
study was carried out by a Japanese Team under the overall supervision
of Dr. Char Meng Chuor (Ministry of Health) and Mr. Sam Sereyrath
(Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport), the Co-chairs of the SWG.
The SWG held three meetings in July, October and November 2003 to
articulate the scope of the study and discuss the contents of the
draft reports. The concerned Government ministries and agencies as
well as all members of the Partnership Working Group were invited for
the SWG meetings and asked to provide feedback at each stage of the
preparation of this Report. Finally, the report was reviewed and
approved at a meeting of the Government-Donor Partnership Working
Group held on 23 January 2004 at the Council for the Development of
Cambodia (CDC).
I believe this Report
is an important resource to further advance the new paradigm for
development cooperation in Cambodia. Based on in-depth case studies of
good practices in Cambodia, it has identified relevant and effective
approaches to enhance development cooperation in the context of
Cambodia as well as presented specific recommendations and actions. I
am convinced that the recommendations offer solid basis for further
discussions on developing an "action plan" that both the RGC and its
development partners can agree on to move forward to further
strengthen government-donor partnerships.
Last, but not least,
on behalf of all the members of the Partnership Working Group and in
my capacity as the Chairman, I would like to express my sincere
gratitude to the Government of Japan, in particular H.E. Mr. Katsuhiro
Shinohara, Minister of the Embassy of Japan and H.E. Mr. Juro
Chikara-ishi, Resident Representative of JICA Cambodia Office, who
provided generous support for the preparation of this report. My
thanks are also extended to all government and donors agencies,
especially the members of the SWG, namely Canada, France, Japan, UNDP,
UNFPA, UNICEF, and WHO, who have shared their valuable time and have
facilitated and guided the work on this study.
Phnom Penh, 05
February 2004

Chhieng Yanara
Chairman, Government-Donor Partnership Working Group
and Secretary General, CDC/CRDB |
Table of Contents