9.1 The primary objective of the proposed re-organisation of CRDB's organisational structure is to strengthen and make CRDB function as a holistically integrated and competent RGC agency that is capable of carrying out its tasks with efficiency and effectiveness. Based on the methodology outlined previously, this section presents information on the following aspects of CRDB's re-organised structure:
a) Composition
of Departments within CRDB; 9.2 For each proposed staff position, the functional responsibilities of the position and the minimum education/skills and experience required to perform these functions will need to be elaborated as a critical step in the implementation of this Capacity Development Strategy. 9.3 It should also be noted that Departmental structure should be informed by workload and should not necessarily always follow the 4-tier Director-Deputy-Chief-Staff model. This means that career development should be pursued, in some instances, by moving between Departments. 9.4 The full staffing of this new structure (Table 6), which does in most cases follow the 4-tier arrangement even for smaller Departments, may not prove to be feasible as it represents an almost doubling of the present staffing complement. This may require that the CRDB organisational structure presented here is reviewed at a later time to prioritise based on the staffing establishment that is considered feasible. Proposed Composition of Departments within CRDB 9.5 Building on the existing organisational structure of CRDB that has evolved over the last decade the proposed organisational structure for CRDB, presented in Chart One, includes the following seven departments to perform all of its mandated functions (it is recognised that it will require an amendment to Sub Decree No. 147 ANK-BK dated 29 December 2005 that calls for nine departments):
a) Aid
Coordination Policy Department g) Administration Department 9.6 Perhaps the most notable of the changes to the CRDB structure is the establishment of the Aid Coordination Policy Department. There has been a provision for this Department in previous Sub Decrees, as well as in the current one, but the Department has not previously been staffed. The Functional Analysis began to elaborate the Aid Coordination Policy Department's role and this revision of the organisational structure represents a major step forward as tasks are allocated across Departments, including for Aid Coordination Policy. |
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Functional Responsibilities of the Departments 9.7 The Aid Coordination Policy Department will need to be staffed by highly qualified and experienced professionals with an ability to deal with strategic policy issues. It will be responsible for the following functions to be detailed in its annual workplan: Strategic Planning a) Strategic policy formulation and analysis on aid effectiveness issues, including aid mobilisation, utilisation, coordination and management for discussion within RGC and with DPs both in-country and in the international arena. b) Promote the adoption/implementation of policies and procedures for development cooperation management set out in RGC policy documents by ministries/agencies and DPs. c) Participate and contribute to international discourse on aid effectiveness issues. d) Internalise agreements reached in the international arena on aid effectiveness (such as OECD/DAC) and on best practices in development cooperation management in Cambodia's context. e) Prepare the annual Development Cooperation Report and widely disseminate the analysis within RGC and to all stakeholders. f) Participate in the preparation of the annual NSDP progress report that is to be prepared by MOP in close collaboration with CRDB, MEF, and SNEC. g) Participate in the preparation of sector policies by sector ministries. h) Prepare the required documents for presentation at the annual Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) that provide an assessment of RGC's policy performance over the last year and external resource requirements for the coming year. Coordination Functions i) Disseminate information on best practices in development cooperation management to all stakeholders. j) Maintain on-going partnerships with all stakeholders, including civil society and private sector. k) Provide technical support to the TWGs on aid coordination and aid management issues. l) Serve as Secretariat for GDCC and P&H TWG and maintain regular contact with DPs on policy issues. m) Participate and support departments in discussions on DPs country assistance strategies and/or country assistance programs. n) In collaboration with the Information Management Department provide to the MOP information on on-going programs and projects for the preparation of the PIP. Operations and Management Functions o) Manage the organisation of the annual CDCF, including all substantive secretariat work necessary for the successful conduct of the CDCF, and the management of relations with the media concerning CDCF and other major CRDB events. p) Translate incoming and outgoing correspondence and reports from English to Khmer and Khmer to English, as needed, to meet the requirements of communications with DPs that are in English and within RGC that are in Khmer. q) Provide periodic progress reports to the Secretary General on the work of the department. 9.8 The Information Management Department will be responsible for the following functions to be detailed in its annual workplan: Strategic Planning a) Further develop/refine and maintain CRDB's ODA Disbursements website to collect data on disbursements from development partners and to make these data accessible to the public. b) Develop and deliver training programs for CRDB and line ministries staff on the use of the aid management systems, databases, and the CRDB LAN system. c) Complete the PIP of CRDB for MOP. Coordination Functions d) Provide technical support to selected ministries and agencies in periodically updating and refining their Aid Management Information Systems. e) Assist line ministries and agencies in accessing information from CRDB databases and website on ODA supported programs and projects that are being delivered in the ministries/agencies. Operations and Management Functions f) Periodically update CRDB's management information system's strategy to incorporate new methodologies and techniques as they become available to maintain an up-to-date aid management system. g) Periodically refine CRDB's Aid Management System/databases, and financial and personnel management systems; and maintain up-to-date ODA disbursements data in the databases to produce tabulations required for the preparation of the Annual Development Cooperation Report, as well as information on actual and planned expenditures for each year in the life of on-going and new programs/projects that CRDB has to provide to the Ministry of Planning for preparing the three year rolling Public Investment Program (PIP) and the annual progress monitoring report on the implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP). h) Provide technical support to the NGO Department to update the NGO database that has the capacity to generate reports for NGOs in the same format as reports generated from the CRDB database based on the data collected through the annual CRDB survey from bilateral and multilateral DPs on their ODA disbursements for the preparation of the annual Development Cooperation Report. i) Periodically refine and maintain an up-to-date CRDB website containing all information and data relating to CRDB by regularly posting key documents from the annual consultative meetings with DPs (previously CG and now CDCF), GDCC and P&H TWG meetings, and other policy documents of CRDB; as well as a calendar of all events relating to CRDB, visits and missions relating to CRDB; and CRDB organisation chart, with staff names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. j) Periodically update/refine, and maintain all components of the CRDB LAN system. k) Assist CRDB Departments in maintaining up to date information on programs and projects supported by donors that each department is responsible for and providing easy access to data from the CRDB databases and website. l) Provide hardware and software installation and maintenance support to all departments of CRDB and at meetings organised by CRDB. m) Translate incoming and outgoing correspondence and reports from English to Khmer and Khmer to English, as needed, to meet the requirements of communications with DPs that are in English and within RGC that are in Khmer. n) Provide periodic progress reports to the Secretary General on the work of the department. 9.9 The three Departments - Europe & North America Department; Asia, Pacific, and Oceania Countries Department; and the Multilateral Organisations Department – will be responsible for all development cooperation management functions for assigned bilateral and multilateral development partners. Specifically, the departments will be responsible for the following functions to be detailed in their annual workplans: Strategic Planning a) Review program/project proposal from ministries/agencies to ensure that they are within the agreed priority areas of concerned DP and aligned with RGC's development priorities outlined in NSDP and PIP. b) Plan and organise, in collaboration with concerned ministries/agencies, program/project formulation and review missions of DPs headquarter personnel's to Cambodia. c) Actively monitor RGC policies that have implications for development cooperation activities, such as the Rectangular Strategy, NSDP, PIP, and sector strategies. d) Assist the Aid Coordination Policy Department in the preparation of the annual Development Cooperation Report (DCR) by verifying data provided by DPs and completing missing information requested by CRDB from DPs on their ODA disbursements. Coordination Functions e) Organise inter-ministerial meetings to develop RGC positions on issues to be discussed in bilateral discussions on DP's country assistance strategies and/or country assistance program. f) Participate, contribute to and maintain records of bilateral discussions on development partners (DPs) country assistance strategies/programs, and annual/periodic consultations between RGC and DPs to ensure that ODA supported activities are aligned with RGC development priorities outlined in NSDP and PIP. g) Participate, contribute to and maintain records of periodic reviews/evaluations of on-going and pipeline programs/projects of DPs – including those of a regional nature (e.g. GMS) - in the area of responsibility of the department. h) Maintain on-going dialogue with program/project implementing ministries/agencies and funding DPs and facilitate the resolution of any conflicts in the management of programs/projects with guidance from the senior management of CRDB. i) Represent CRDB at meetings of TWGs that are assigned to the department by the Secretary General and post a briefing note on the proceedings of the meeting on CRDB LAN system, and inform CRDB senior management of any issues that require urgent action. Operations and Management Functions j) Maintain hard and soft copies of all on-going program/project documents supported by DPs. k) Maintain a computerised information system, possibly by adapting the ODA Database, (that includes all program/project documents and implementation status) as a departmental management tool. l) Provide to the Information Management Department documents (as per an agreed schedule) for posting on CRDB website. m) Post on the CRDB LAN system calendar of all important forthcoming events. n) Translate incoming and outgoing correspondence and reports from English to Khmer and Khmer to English, as needed, to meet the requirements of communications with DPs that are in English and within RGC that are in Khmer. o) Facilitate the processing of tax exemption requested by development partners. p) Provide periodic progress reports, including to the Secretary General on the work of the department. q) Participate in and support CRDB training and knowledge sharing events. 9.10 The NGO Coordination Department will be responsible for functions to be detailed in its annual workplan as follows: Strategic Planning a) Pro-actively engage in periodic dialogue with major NGOs to gauge direction of their work towards NSDP priorities. b) Promote the adoption/implementation of RGC's development cooperation policies and procedures, and international best practices by the NGO community. c) Actively monitor RGC policies that have implications for development cooperation activities, such as the Rectangular Strategy, NSDP, PIP, and sector strategies. d) Prepare an annual NGO Development Cooperation Report. e) Assist the Aid Coordination Policy Department in the preparation of the annual Development Cooperation Report (DCR) by verifying data provided by NGOs and completing the missing elements of information that is requested by CRDB from bilateral and multilateral DPs on their ODA disbursements. Coordination Functions f) Maintain on-going contact and build partnerships with the NGO community. g) Maintain up to date information on a computerised database on NGOs and their programs and projects to provide required inputs in the preparation of the annual Development Cooperation Report. h) Represent CRDB at meetings of TWGs that are assigned to the department by the Secretary General and post a briefing note on the proceedings of the meeting on CRDB LAN system. Operations and Management Functions i) Provide documents to the Information Management Department for posting on CRDB website. j) Post calendar of all important forthcoming events on the CRDB LAN system. k) Translate incoming and outgoing correspondence and reports from English to Khmer and Khmer to English, as needed, to meet the requirements of communications with DPs that are in English and within RGC that are in Khmer. l) Facilitate the processing of tax exemption requested by NGOs.
Provide periodic progress reports to the Secretary General
on the work of the department. 9.11 The Administration Department will be responsible for the following functions to be detailed in its annual workplan as follows: Personnel Management a) Personnel matters, including maintenance of all personnel records e.g. leave entitlements, performance reports, performance incentives, and training. Finance Management b) Handling financial transactions including processing of payments and maintenance of financial records for audit purposes. c) Initiating and overseeing the procurement of goods and services on behalf of CRDB. d) Receiving applications for tax exemption from development partners, verifying information to ensure that all required information has been submitted by development partners, presenting the verified applications to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Tax Exemptions, and preparing minutes of the Committee decisions. Records Management, Reporting & Logistics e) Maintaining on file up to date copies of rules and regulations governing financial and personnel matters as well as copies of CRDB reports. f) Maintaining up to date records and an inventory of all equipment, vehicles and supplies as part of a comprehensive approach to asset management. g) Processing both incoming and outgoing correspondence and maintaining records of all correspondence. h) Planning and providing logistic support for CRDB meetings, including the Cambodian Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF), the GDCC and P&H TWG meetings, and seminars and workshops organised by CRDB. i) Producing monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and annual CRDB activities report to the Council of Ministers. j) Provide periodic progress reports to the Secretary General on the work of the Department. Organisational Structure and Required Staffing Level by Department 9.12 The organisational structure and the detailed functions of each of the seven Departments are summarised in Charts 2-8, below. The recommended staffing requirements by Department are summarised in Table Six, below. |
Aid Coordination Policy | Information Management | EU & NA |
Multilaterals | NGO | Administration | Total (by Level) | |
Director |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
7 |
Deputy Director |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
14 |
Bureau Chief |
2 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
16 |
Officer |
2 |
4 |
7 |
2 |
4 |
19 |
Admin Assistant |
1 |
1 |
Total (by Department) |
6 |
5 |
11 |
12 |
5 |
7 |
11 |
57 |
(Current staffing level) |
0 |
2 |
8 |
9 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
32 |
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