24. Since 1992, the development cooperation partners of Cambodia have pledged to provide a total of 6.04 billion US dollars of development assistance to Cambodia at the three meetings International Committee for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Cambodia (ICORC) that were held in 1993, 1994 and 1995, and at the seven Consultative Group Meetings that have been held since 1996. At the seventh CG meeting that was held in December 2004, pledges were made for the year 2005. Thus, for the years 1998, 2003 and 2004 no explicit pledges were made. Nevertheless, the development cooperation partners had disbursed US $ 433.3 million in 1998, US $ 539.5 million in 2003, and US$ 555.4 in 2004 as development assistance to Cambodia. Including disbursements in 1998, 2003 and 2004, a total of around 6.27 billion US dollars have been disbursed by the end of 2005.

(in millions of US $)

  1992 $ 1993 1994 - 1998 1999 - 2003 2004 2005 Preliminary TOTAL 1992 -2005
Pledges 1,000.0 2,284.2a 2,255.2b ... 504.2c 6,043.6d
Disbursements 572.1 2,205.9 2,408.8 555.4 524.9e 6,267.0
Disbursements as % of Pledges 57.2% 77.6f% 80.9% ... 95.2h% 76.9i%

a Does not include data for 1998, when the CG Meeting was not held and therefore no pledges were made.
b Does not include data for 2003, when the CG Meeting was not held and therefore no pledges were made.
c Does not include data on pledge by NGOs.
d Does not include data on pledges for the year 1998, 2003, and 2004, data on pledges by NGOs for 2002 and 2005 for which no pledges were made by NGOs..
e Includes disbursements by NGOs.
f Excluding data on disbursements for the year 1998 for which no pledges were made.
g Excluding data on disbursements for the year 2003 for which no pledges were made and disbursements by NGOs in 2002 for which no pledges were made by NGOs.
h Excluding disbursements by NGOs in 2005 for which no pledges were made by NGOs.
i Excluding data on disbursements for the year 1998, 2003, and 2004 for which no pledges were made, and disbursements by NGOs in 2002 and 2005 for which no pledges were made by NGOs.


a. Excluding data on disbursement for the year 1998 (US$ 433.3 millions) for which no pledges were made
b. Excluding data on disbursement for the year 2003 (US$ 539.5 millions) and disbursement by NOGs in 2002 for which no pledges were made
c. Excluding data on disbursements by NGOs in 2005 for which no pledges were made

25. In response to appeal by the UN Secretary General, at the Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia, held in Tokyo in June 1992, development cooperation partners pledged to provide around US$ 880 million. Additional pledges were made at the first meeting of the International Committee for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Cambodia (ICORC), held in Paris in September 1993, raising the total pledges for 1992 and 1993 to US$ 1 billion. At the second meeting of the ICORC, held in Tokyo in March 1994, and the third meeting of the ICORC, held in Paris in March 1995, development cooperation partners pledged to contribute some 770 million US$ and 520 million US$, respectively. The first Consultative Group Meeting for Cambodia was held in 1996 at which the major development partners of Cambodia pledged to provide US$ 501 million for the year 1996 and the NGOs an additional 18 million US$. At the 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 CG meetings, the major development partners, excluding NGOs, had pledged US $ 450 million, 471 million, 548 million, 556 million, US$ 635.0 million, and US$ 504.2 million, respectively.

26. As noted in the Development Cooperation Report for the years 2002 and 2003, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has been aware that the pledges made by bilateral and multilateral development partners at some of the CG meetings have included
double counting. In particular, the pledges recorded for the UN agencies at the 4th (2000), 5th CG (2001) and 6th (2002) CG meetings were based on the concept of "programs delivered" by these agencies. It reflected the anticipated funding level of the programs that they expected to “deliver” irrespective of the source of funding. Thus, the recorded pledges for these years for UN agencies include: their "own resources" as well as resources mobilized from other in-country bilateral development cooperation partners. At the same time, the bilateral development partners have also included the funds they have programmed through UN agencies in their own pledges data resulting in a double counting of these amounts. A similar situation also exists in the case of funding for some NGO activities by bilateral development partners.

27. The problem of double counting also exists in the disbursement data reported by bilateral and multilateral development cooperation partners as well as NGOs. In the case of disbursements by multilateral institutions, CDC has made an attempt to address the issue of double counting by reporting their disbursements data under the following two headings:

  • Disbursements on "programs delivered" that include the value of programs delivered and consists of both the UN agencies "own resources" as well as resources mobilized from other in-country sources.

  • Disbursements made from "own resources" on programs delivered.

28. In the case of NGOs, an estimate of disbursements of their "own/core funds" has been prepared based on data provided by NGOs to the CDC/CRDB's NGO Coordination Department. This estimate is based on an analysis of the data on the sources of funding of each reporting NGO and excluding from the estimate contributions from in-country bilateral and multilateral sources.

29. At the last CG meeting held in December 2004, the World Bank had attempted to correct for double counting in recording pledges data. The data recently provided by the World Bank Office in Phnom Penh, summarized in Table 2, show the data for the year 2002 on pledges announced at the 6th CG meeting held in 2002 in column 2, and the adjusted pledge amounts for the year 2002 based on the new methodology is shown in column 3. The changes to the 2002 pledges data, shown in Table 2, illustrate the approach that was used to the pledges made for the year 2005 at the CG meeting held in December 2004. Based on the revised definition, a total of US$ 504.2 million was pledged by bilateral and multilateral development partners for the year 2005 at the December 2004 Meeting. In this report the pledges data for 2002 has also been changed from US$ 635.0 to US$ 513.8 million reflecting the revised definition of pledges used by the World Bank at the last CG meeting.

(in US$ millions)

TOTAL PLEDGES 635.0 513.8 504.2
  - Bilaterals 299.7 299.7 335.1
  - European Commission 22.9 32.9 40.4
  - Mulitlaterals 302.4 181.2 128.7
    ● ADB 117.0 64.0 46.6
    ● IMF 22.6 0.0 0.0
    ● UN system 87.8 42.2 37.1
    ● World Bank 75.0 75.0 45.0
Source: World Bank Office, Phnom Penh

(in US$ millions)

a CG Meeting was not held in year 1998 and 2003 and therefore no pledges were made. At the CG meeting held in December 2004 pledges were made for the year 2005 based on a revised definition and therefore no pledges recorded for the year 2004.
b The amount pledged not stated at the CG Meeting.
c Does not include the NGOs.
d Excluding the years 2003 and 2004.
e Includes only "own resources" disbursed by multilaterals.
f Excluding disbursements by NGOs who did not make a pledge.

Excluding data on disbursements for the years 2003 and 2004, and disbursements by NGOs in 2002 and 2005.

30. Over the last five years, 2001-2005, disbursements have steadily increased from just under US$ 472 million in 2001 to over US$ 555 million in 2004 and the preliminary estimates indicate that they were around US$ 525 million in 2005 (Table 3). Over the period of 2001-2005, the ratio of disbursements to pledges has also increased. The disbursement rate in 2002 based on data on pledges recorded at the CG meeting show a slight decline from 77.3 percent in 2001 to 76.4 percent in 2002. These on pledges for 2002 include a significant double counting. The disbursement rate for 2002 increases to 94.4 percent if calculated based on the revised estimate of pledges for 2002, US$ 513.8 million, prepared by the World Bank that does not include NGOs, that is only disbursements of bi- and multilateral partners, US$ 485.3 million. The disbursement rate in 2005 increased to 95.2 percent. The RGC is gratified by the support of its development cooperation partners and hopes that they will continue to provide their support to enable the RGC to implement its National Strategic Development Plan: 2006-2010.


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