ANNEX I: RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment: 2004-2008

Section: |A|B|C|D|

Section A:   Ownership and Leadership


Actions Needed

RGC Institutions




1.  RGC leads the process and prepares a single Strategic National Development Framework for the next planning cycle (2006-2010)

a) RGC prepares and adopts a single  National Strategic Development Plan (2006-2010).

 (i)  SEDP and  NRSP are consolidated into one strategy document,   aligned with CMDGs:

  • Formalize institutional mechanism for formulating NSDP (TWG/Planning and Poverty reduction)


  • MoP requests all line Ministries & Institutions to formulate individual Strategic Plan


  • Sector ministries/agencies prepare Sectoral Strategic Plans

  • Sectoral Strategic Plans consolidated into a NSDP


  • Consultations on NSDP with all stakeholders


  • NSDP Revised, if necessary


  • Consolidated NSDP submitted for adoption by RGC and for approval by the legislatures

MoP, SNEC with line Ministries and Institutions

MOP and line ministries

Ministries and TWGs

















TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction

TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction

TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction


TWG on Planning & Poverty Reduction established and starts developing NSDP.

Technical meetings in MOP held to discuss NSDP preparation process and guidelines for the preparation of NSDP issued.


Sector Strategic Plans prepared.



Technical workshop(s)

First draft of NSDP prepared

National Workshop(s)

Revised NSDP completed.


NSDP approved by RGC and Parliament.

December  2004




January 2005




May 2005



June-August 2005


September 2005

October, 2005

November-December 2005


(ii) Implement the National Strategic Development Plan through national sector programs in the form of SWAp, SWiM and Program Based Approach.


Concerned sector ministries.


Concerned donors through Technical Working Group.


Preparation of national sector programs in at least 2 sectors.


June 2005

(iii) Expand the application of SWAps, SWiMs, and PBAs modalities in appropriate sectors, e.g.

  • Agriculture

  • Infrastructure: sub-SWAPs in transport/energy/water

  • Land Management

  • Decentralisation

Line ministries and CDC TWGs National Sector Programs in other areas developed. 2005 - 2006

RGC uses a single national development  framework for planning linked to resource allocation, including ODA.

(i)  Use the new TWG on Planning and Poverty Reduction as mechanism for coordination for planning and monitoring the implementation of the NSDP. 


MEF,  MoP and CDC






TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction





Process for coordination for planning and monitoring of NSDP established.




Early 2005





(ii) Build a common understanding of relationship between the NSDP and other planning and budgeting mechanism.




TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction


Workshops to disseminate information on NSDP and other planning & budget mechanisms.


Throughout 2005


(iii) Reflect the priorities of the NSDP in the budgeting process.







MEF & MOP explore options and take appropriate actions.



Beginning 2006


(iv) Incorporate sector priorities in the preparation of MTEF.


MEF with concerned Ministries





Sector priorities incorporated in the MTEF.



2.  RGC assumes leadership role in the coordination of development assistance

a) Cambodia’s Action Plan for Harmonization and Alignment—2004-2008, outlining RGC’s priorities on harmonization and alignment, is prepared and agreed with development partners.

(i ) RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment prepared and approved.

CDC and ministries

All donors

Government approves National Action Plan.

November 2004

(ii) Secure agreement between RGC and interested donors on a Partnership Agreement.



Partnership Agreement signed.

Inform the CG meeting on the H & A Action Plan and Partnership Agreement

November 2004

December 2004

b) RGC has one ODA coordinating body.

(i) Strengthen CDC's leading role within the RGC on ODA coordination and resource mobilization.




Endorsement of the GDCC.

Dec 2004


(ii) Strengthen CDC's focal point for ODA planning.



CDC leads all discussions for ODA planning.

Jan 2005 onwards

(iii) CDC leads the coordination process to implement Cambodia’s Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment.



Endorsement of CDC lead role to implement H/A Action Plan.

Dec 2004


c) RGC’s ODA Management Policy prepared and agreed with donors.

(i) Formulate basic principles of ODA Management.


CDC and concerned Ministries


Discussion and agreement with donors on principles of ODA management.

Adoption and implementation of basic principles of ODA management.

November 2005

Dec 2005

d) Joint planning and monitoring of the implementation of RGC’s development priorities, involving donors and stakeholders, as outlined in its strategic development framework(s) and its Rectangular Strategy. 

(i) Restructuring of the Working Groups finalized leading to joint planning and monitoring on the implementation of RGC’s development priorities outlined in its strategic development framework(s) and the Rectangular Strategy.


CDC and line ministries


Inform CG

December 2004

e) RGC has the information it needs to lead and coordinate development assistance.

(i) Donors provide full information about their activities to RGC.



Agreement on modality and content of information provided by donors.

June 2005

(ii) Donors provide periodic progress reports on on-going harmonization and alignment efforts to RGC. 



Periodic reports, on quarterly basis, provided.

Start Jan 2005


3.  As one of the fourteen pilot countries, Cambodia plays an active role in the implementation of the Rome Declaration on Harmonization and Alignment (2003).

a) RGC provides regular progress reports on implementation of Cambodia’s Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment.

(i) RGC reports progress at the Second High Level Forum on Harmonization and Alignment (HLF2).



Progress report presented at HLF 2.

Early 2005


(ii) Government prepares periodic reports on  the implementation of the Rome Declaration. 



Reports prepared and presented to GDCC.


(iii) RGC participates in Regional Workshop on Harmonization and Alignment.





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