Section A: Ownership and Leadership |
Results |
Actions Needed |
Responsible |
Lead |
Milestones |
Timing |
1. RGC leads the process and prepares a single Strategic National Development Framework for the next planning cycle (2006-2010) |
a) RGC prepares and adopts a single National Strategic Development Plan (2006-2010). |
(i) SEDP and NRSP are consolidated into one strategy document, aligned with CMDGs:
Technical meetings in MOP held to discuss NSDP preparation process and guidelines for the preparation of NSDP issued.
Sector Strategic Plans prepared.
Technical workshop(s)
First draft of NSDP
National Workshop(s)
NSDP approved by RGC and Parliament. |
May 2005
June-August 2005
(ii) Implement the National
Strategic Development Plan through national sector programs in the form of
SWAp, SWiM and Program Based Approach. |
Concerned sector ministries. |
Concerned donors through Technical Working Group. |
Preparation of national sector programs in at least 2 sectors. |
June 2005 |
(iii) Expand the application of SWAps, SWiMs, and PBAs modalities in appropriate sectors, e.g.
Line ministries and CDC | TWGs | National Sector Programs in other areas developed. | 2005 - 2006 | |
MEF, MoP and CDC
TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction
Process for coordination for planning and monitoring of NSDP established.
Early 2005
MEF and MOP |
TWG/Planning and Poverty Reduction |
Workshops to disseminate information on NSDP and other planning & budget mechanisms. |
Throughout 2005 |
(iii) Reflect the priorities of the NSDP in the budgeting process.
MEF & MOP explore options and take appropriate actions.
Beginning 2006 |
(iv) Incorporate sector priorities in the preparation of MTEF. |
MEF with concerned Ministries
Sector priorities incorporated in the MTEF. |
2006 |
2. RGC assumes leadership role in the coordination of development assistance |
December 2004 |
(ii) Strengthen CDC's focal point for ODA planning. |
TWG/Partnerships |
CDC leads all discussions for ODA planning. |
Jan 2005 onwards |
Adoption and implementation of basic principles of ODA management. |
3. As one of the fourteen pilot countries, Cambodia plays an active role in the implementation of the Rome Declaration on Harmonization and Alignment (2003). |