Training on Managing for Development Results
Kampongsom City Hotel, Sihanoukville, 18 Nov. - 20 Nov. 2009

CDC/CRDB, in collaboration with MDF and VBNK, organized a training course on Managing for Development Results (MfDR) on 18-20 November 2009 at Kampongsom City Hotel, Sihanoukville.

This training was organized to respond to the training need identified during the 2008 CDCF meeting and it was scheduled prior to the next year's review of the current Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs) and the preparation of new JMIs for the 3rd CDCF meeting to be held on 02-03 June 2010. The training aimed at equipping TWGs and development partner (DP) officials with MfDR skills and competencies in order to ensure a stronger and more committed effort to the achievement of development results as set out in the Rectangular Strategy-Phase II and the NSDP. In addition, this training also provided an opportunity for exchange of ideas and experiences across TWGs which is a basic for assessing progress in implementing the current Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs).

The training was actively participated by heads of TWG secretariat, secretariat officers and DP TWG representatives as well as CRDB/CDC focal points in each TWG (about 80 persons in total). The training was presided by H.E. Chhieng Yanara, secretary General of CDC/CRDB. In his welcoming remarks, he emphasized that the currently implemented JMIs reflected the joint efforts of Government and development partners based on partnership manner to achieve the goals articulated in the Rectangular Strategy Phase II and NSDP. The authentic partnership would contribute to the development results by respecting the government ownership and having mutual accountability. He also addressed the significant of the proposed training that will enable the participants to identify good and achievable JMIs for the 2010 CDCF meeting.

The training lasted for two and a half days. The first of the training focused on the theoretical background, MfDR approach and concepts, Results chains and link between MfDR and aid effectiveness. The second day looked at the JMIs, how to formulate JMIs, what steps required to formulate the SMART indicators and how to improve JMIs in relation to MfDR and finishing with the practical session for each TWGs to draft its JMI. The last morning, the trainer had an opportunity to provide comments/feedback on the works of each TWGs based on a results-based perspective.


Documents for the Results-based Management Training

Training Program, English l Khmer
Managing for Development Results (MfDR)
Results Chains
Indicators (long)
Indicators (short), English l Khmer
Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs), English l Khmer
Leadership in MfDR

PowerPoint Presentations:

Introduction of MfDR, English l Khmer
Results Chains, English l Khmer
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), English l Khmer
Capacity for MfDR, English l Khmer